A. TEENAGE ADVICE LETTERS TO A MAGAZINE - 5. I am 13. I have to share a room with my sister. She is very untidy and I have to clean up her mess as well as keep my own things tidy. She never leaves my things alone and keeps opening the drawers of my cupboard and looking at everything. Nothing of mine is private and I’m not allowed to do what I want. What can I do?
B. POLITICAL NEWS - 2. New York (Reuters). A senior United Nations official has left New York for the Middle East in an attempt to free the hostages after two days of intensive talks in New York.
C. ADVERTISEMENT FOR AN AIRLINE - 3. Let us fly you to your destination in first-class comfort, looked after by the best-trained staff in the world. Any business person knows that they must arrive fresh and ready for work. Your secretary can book you on any flights 24 hours a day on 0557-465-769.
D. CRIME NEWS - 4. New York (Reuters). Three students who tried to force the pilot to land the plane in a foreign country were arrested for air piracy.
E. WEATHER FORECAST - 1. Midlands. Cloudy and mostly dry, with some sunshine in places. Max. temperature is 12o.
F. TV PROGRAMME - лишняя рубрика;
1) Who does the cleaning in your house (flat)? - Кто делает уборку в твоем доме (квартире)?
2) Who does the washing and ironing in your house (flat)? - Кто стирает и гладит бельё в твоём доме (квартире)?
3) Who does the shopping? - Кто занимается покупками?
4) Who does the cooking? - Кто готовит еду?
5) Do you do the washing up after a meal? - Ты моешь посуду после еды?
6) Who is feeding the pets? - Кто кормит домашних животных? (если есть домашние)
7) Who is take the dog out every day? - Кто выгуливает собаку каждый день? (если есть собака)
8) Who is taking garbage out (carrying the trash out)? - Кто (у вас) выносит мусор?
9) Do you help your mother (father, grandmother, sister) to do the hoovering (cleaning, washing, shopping, cooking)? - Ты маме (папе, бабушке, сестре и т.д.) пылесосить (убираться в доме, стирать, ходить за покупками, готовить и т.д.)?