Dear Lusy,
I haven't written fo you for a long time as I was busy whith my school.
You ask me a few qeastions.
I like to go theater whith my friends and sometimes I can go to theatre whith my family.I usually spened my free time reading books and playing different computer games.I prefere reading fantastik books my favourite book is ,,Persy Jekson'' by Reak Reordon.Now I whant to ask you a few qeastions the first qeastion is ,,Do you like going theatre?''.The second qeastion is ,,How do you spend your free time?''.The thearde qeastion is ,,What is your favourite past time''.
That's all for now.
Write to me soon.
Best wishes,
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Originally Russian education starts from the early age. Pupils began to go to school at the age of six or seven till sixteen or eighteen.Compulsory education in Russia is presented by three types of school: primary, secondary, high. When pupils complete high grades they can continue to study at school for more 2 years. When school pupils leave school they can try to continue their education in colleges or universities.