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People in our country have the right for education.
It is our Constitutional right. But it is not only a right,
it is a duty, too. Every boy and every girl in Russia
must go to school, that is, they must get a full secondary
education. So, when they are 6 or 7 years old they begin
to go to school. There are thousands of schools in Russia.
There are schools of general education, where the pupils
study Russian (or a native language) , Literature,
Mathematics, History, Biology, Music, Arts, Foreign
Languages. There is also a number of specialised schools,
where the pupils get deep knowledge of foreign languages,
or Maths, or Physics.
After finishing 9 classes of secondary school young
people can continue their education at different kinds
of vocational or technical schools or colleges. They not
only learn general subjects, but receive a speciality there.
Having finished a secondary school, a technical school
or a college young people can start working, or they may
enter an Institute or a University. Professional training
makes it easier to get higher education. As.for high
schools, there are a lot of them in our country. Some of
them train teachers, others — doctors, engineers, architects, actors and so on. Many institutes have evening
and extra-mural departments. That gives the students
an opportunity to study at an institute without leaving
their jobs.
Приложение 1
right — право
duty — обязанность
secondary — зд. среднее
deep — глубокий
vocational school — профтехучилище
general — общий
to receive — получать
training — обучение
higher — высшее
extra-mural — заочный
opportunity — возможность
1. Is education in our country free?
2. Is education in Russia right or duty?
3. What kind of schools are there in Russia?
4. What are the possible ways to continue education
after the finishing of the secondary school?
5. What are the main types of educational institutions
in our country?
6. What are the types of higher education institutions
2. My apartment is in Euston Street in Lower Manhattan.
3. It is on the 5th floor, but there is a life in the building.
4. I work at an investment bank in Wall Street.
5. When I'm at my office, I spend all day sitting at my desk.
6. Sometimes I get up and put something on the shelf or in the cupboard, but not very often.
7. On my way to work I buy a sandwich at the baker's.
8. I take the entrance in the back of the company building.
9. It's quicker than in the front entrance.
10. At home I love sitting on my armchair reading the sports section in the newspaper.
11.In summer I like sunbathing in Central Park and watching the hustle and bustle around me.