Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
That can't be true!
You're joking!
That's impossible!
I don't believe you!
Are you serious?
No way!
Rosa: Is Mike going to come sailing with us?
Jack: No way! He's terrified of deep water
Rosa: ?...? Thats ...! He's a really good swimmer!
Jack: No, it's true. Hes got a phobia
Rosa: That true! He's competing in the 50 metre
freestyle at the swimming club next week
Jack: I know, but he's scared of swimming in
open water. I think it's because you can't see
the bottom
Rosa: serious? I didn't think Mike was scared of
Jack: Well, he's afraid of deep water. It's quite a
common phobia, actually.
Rosa: You're ! I've never heard of it.
Jack Mike told me himself.
Rosa: I don't ... you! I'm going to call Mike and
ask him
1 задание: УСТНО
2 задание:
1) He's loves
2) He's leaving
3) He's watching
4) He's running
5) He says
6) He works
7) He's coming (Тут я не уверен возможно going)
8) He washes
3 задание:
1) Kevin gets up early in the morning.
2) Kevin have breakfast in the morning.
3) Kevin go to school in the morning.
4) Kevin have lunch in the afternoon.
5) Kevin do homework in the afternon.
6) Kevin go to the gym in the afternoon.
7) Kevin play computer games in the afternoon.
8) Kevin meet his friends in the afternoon.
9) Kevin have dinner in the evening.
10) Kevin watch TV in the evening.
11) Kevin go to bed in the evening.
№1 Вроде бы устно, т.к. не вижу смысла писать тебе произношение.
Перевод задания №1: Прочитайте таблицу. Скажите примеры на вашем языке.
№3 Возможно не нужно писать всегда типо In the evening/In the afternoon и т.д.