Перепиши предложения исправь ошибки в подчёркнутых словах. Определи тип придаточного условного предложения:
1. If we played better we would have won the championship.
2. If I meet a celebrity I would take a selfie.
3. I you won’t enter the university you will work as a pizza delivery boy.
4. If she wouldn’t leave home late she wouldn’t miss the bus.
5. If Jane sent a message I will respond her.
6. If I see Richard I would have said hello.
My name is Masha Dmitrieva.
My Mum's name is Lisa. She's forty-one,and she is a teacher of French at the University. She is very clever, she can speak(teach) English too.
My Dad is forty-two, his name is Paul. He is a professional painter. He is cool,and he works for a design company.
My elder sister Natasha is nineteen,she goes to the University,and she wants to be a teacher of history. She is fond of reading books and playing the guitar.
My younger brother Igor is only six years old. He is very funny and noisy. I like to spend my free time with him. Igor likes playing with our cat.
My grandparents are sixty. They like gardening. They spend a lot of their time in the garden.
Our cat's name is Fabio. He is red and white with green eyes. He is clever,sometimes he's naughty.
I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.