Ivanovo - a small, picturesque town situated on the river Gone. Located in the central part of Russia, the administrative center of Ivanovo Oblast. Population - 418.6 thousand people. The distance from Moscow - 275 km. From the sights of Ivanovo can distinguish Schudrovskuyu tent, the wooden church of the Assumption and the Museum of Ivanovo chintz. You are welcom!
We would like to show a Moscow. The main town in the russia.You will be happy being here because we have a interesting things right here and now. First is a statues. For us russians, statues are histories. Big and interesting histories. Second is a park.They have a fresh air where you can run, ride a bike or just sit and watch birds flying. And third is a Red Square(Площадь не квадрат). This is where a one man sign documents and a Main man in the moscow. Our president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Come to the moscow. you will never regret being here
In our city is close to:
Natural History Myseum
Park " Birch Wood"
the monument to Yablochov
St.Muchail Cathedral
the Memorial Stone
the House of Arts.
Ivanovo - a small, picturesque town situated on the river Gone. Located in the central part of Russia, the administrative center of Ivanovo Oblast. Population - 418.6 thousand people. The distance from Moscow - 275 km. From the sights of Ivanovo can distinguish Schudrovskuyu tent, the wooden church of the Assumption and the Museum of Ivanovo chintz. You are welcom!
так как-то