Есть достаточно много полезных закусок и напитков, например, чай, компотом какао, натуральные соки и закуски, включая фруктовые салаты, овощные салаты, мясные и вегетарианские что можно еще добавить? по больше
Every year a person destroys nature, his house. In this business, we are real professionals. But there are those who are ready to stand for the Earth. Begin construction of clean houses, machines working on energy. In the CIS countries only development is under way. If you do not pay attention to the environment, then in time there will be more problems. And future generations will die an agonizing death. Our goal is to prevent the death of nature. Love and appreciate forests, seas and the Earth. Do not be pigs!
1) Общий. Is drilling known to involve heavy-duty equipment, a variety of fluids and sophisticated instrumentation? 2) Специальный What is drilling known to involve? 3) Альтернативный. Is drilling known to involve heavy-duty equipment or sophisticated instrumentation? 4) Разделительный. Drilling is known to involve heavy-duty equipment, a variety of fluids and sophisticated instrumentation, isn't it? 5) К подлежащему What is known to involve heavy-duty equipment, a variety of fluids and sophisticated instrumentation?