New Plymouth is a small town in the United States of America, from where the new country began its life. It was in 1620, in the time of King James the First. English people did not like their king and many of them left England and went to live in other countries. In November 1620, a small ship, the Mayflower, left England. There were about one hundred people aboard the ship. For seven long weeks the Mayflower was in the waves and storms of the Atlantic Ocean, and at last, the people saw land. It was America. During the next five weeks, the men from the Mayflower left the ship every day to look for a good place to live. At last, they found a good place. There was a good harbour for ships there, some fields and forests near it and even a small river. The people began to build a village there and they called it 'New Plymouth'. When the houses were ready, the life of the people became easier. One day the people of the village saw a tall Indian who was walking along the street. This Indian smiled and said: "Hallo, Yankee! " This Indian could speak English a little. Since that time 'Yankee' has been the name of a white man in America. A few days later this Indian came to the village again together with some other Indians. They came as friends and helped the white men very much. But some white men forgot about this help and when many people from Europe came to America, they began to take the land away from the Indians and to kill them. At spring time people of New Plymouth began to plant corn, and the Indians showed them how to plant maize. In autumn the crops were very good and the people of New Plymouth wanted to make a holiday dinner. They asked the Indians to this dinner, and the Indians brought some wild turkeys as a present. The people of New Plymouth called their holiday 'Thanksgiving Day'. Since that time Thanksgiving Day has been a great holiday in the United States of America.
he's always late, when rides the bus
they often go to pool
he never writes her letters
she rarely busy Sunday
we always visit relatives on the weekend
we never read books
we вскгда play computer games
you'll be ready in five minutes?
it will be busy tomorrow
she usually cooks dinner on Monday
I want to drink
he never drinks
she usually reads a newspaper
he rarely drinks coffee
we always order food in a restaurant
when you visit their relatives
I think next week
they always get along with each other
he had never engaged in sports