1. rewrite the sentence using modal verbs: you 1) be on the school grounds at least tenminutes before classes startou 3) bring a packed lunch every day, thechool canteen is open all day.you 5) n., leave the school grounds duringschool hours without permission.choose the correct alternative for each sentencit's a good idea to get a good night's sleep
My father did not watch TV yesterday
Did your father watch TV yesterday?
2) My working day begins at eight in the morning
My working day does not begin at 8 in the morning
Does your working day begin at eight in the morning?
3) I did not go to my French lessons on Tuesday
Did you go to your French lessons on Tuesday?
I went to my French lessons on Tuesday
4) I had dinner two hours ago
What did you have two hours ago?
I had not dinner two hours ago
5) I went to the cinema yesterday
I did not go to the cinema yesterday
Did you go to the cinema yesterday?