A person always cares about the beauty, comfort and well-being of his home. We try to keep the air in our house clean and fresh, so that dust on the shelves and closets does not accumulate, the floor shines with its cleanliness, the plants in the apartment are pleasing with their green color; we add more colors in our home, picking up bright wallpapers and color accessories. When in the house order and cleanliness, it becomes light and comfortable in the soul. However, when we go out of our safe apartments to the street, this feeling of comfort and warmth disappears. City streets are overflowing with household garbage, the air is saturated with emissions of cars and enterprises, trees are becoming less and less vehicles. Birds appear less and less in cities, and only stray dogs seek food. However, the human eye becomes accustomed to such an environment, and only those moments when a person chooses a town remind man that he is a part of nature, and that our planet is our home..
Дети в России проводят 4 года в начальной школе. Большинство школ в России имеют номер, а не название, и в некоторых школах ученики носят школьную форму. В каждой школе есть кабинеты, спортзал, кабинет информатики, библиотека и столовая. У учеников в день бывает по 4-5 уроков: Русский язык, чтение, математика, английский, природоведение, информатика, ИЗО, труд(технология)* и другие. На переменах дети играют и отдыхают. После уроков некоторые ученики остаются в школе и делают домашнее задание с учителями, потому что их родители на работе. * - выбери
A person always cares about the beauty, comfort and well-being of his home. We try to keep the air in our house clean and fresh, so that dust on the shelves and closets does not accumulate, the floor shines with its cleanliness, the plants in the apartment are pleasing with their green color; we add more colors in our home, picking up bright wallpapers and color accessories. When in the house order and cleanliness, it becomes light and comfortable in the soul. However, when we go out of our safe apartments to the street, this feeling of comfort and warmth disappears. City streets are overflowing with household garbage, the air is saturated with emissions of cars and enterprises, trees are becoming less and less vehicles. Birds appear less and less in cities, and only stray dogs seek food. However, the human eye becomes accustomed to such an environment, and only those moments when a person chooses a town remind man that he is a part of nature, and that our planet is our home..