Have to или to be to. 1. She had to send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter. 2. They decided that she was to send them a telegram every tenth day. 3. You have to learn all the new words for the next lesson. 4. Do you know this man? He has to be our new teacher of history. 5. Who was to go to the library to get the new books? — I was, but I couldn't because I had to finish some work at the phonetic' laboratory. 6. It is raining. You have to put on your raincoat. 7. "The patient is to stay in bed for a few days," ordered the doctor. 8. The child had stomach trouble and had to take castor oil. 9. I told her she has to open the window for a while every day. 10. The agreement was that if Johnny White could not repay the money he had borrowed, then Luke Flint was to have the right to sell the land. 11. If I don't ring up before six o'clock, then you are to go to the concert hall alone and wait for me at the entrance. Is that clear? 12. The planters had to gather their cotton at once, as they had been warned that heavy rains were expected. 13. I have to wear glasses as my eyesight is very weak. 14. Johnny White had to borrow from Luke Flint at a high interest, for there was no one else in the district who lent money. 15. "Cheating is a very nasty thing,"' said the teacher, "and we are to get rid of it."
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