Advertising plays a very important part in modern merchandising. The manufacturers tell the public about their new products and the stores tell the public about what products they have at what prices. Advertisements can be seen in newspapers, magazines, and on
television every day of the week. Many more advertisements are sent to customers’
homes. Today the average American adult is assaulted by a minimum of 560 advertising messages a day.
Advertising is impersonal, usually paid communication intended to inform,
educate, persuade, and remind. Advertising is a sophisticated form of communication
that must work with other marketing tools and business elements to be
Advertising must be interruptive — that is, it must make you stop thumbing through
the newspaper or thinking about your day long enough to read or hear the ad.
Advertising must also be credible, unique, and memorable in order to provide.
And finally, assuming the actual advertising is built upon a solid positioning
strategy, enough money must be spent to work a media schedule for ad frequency, the most important element for ad memorability.
Я. правда, постаралась, но не торопись принимать мой ответ как праввильный. Не гарантирую 100 процентную правильность
1. island in the southeast part of the Pacific Ocean, territory Chile . so named by the Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeven because he discovered it on Easter Day 1722.
2.Hindu rock temple, is the central structure of the complex of cave temples in Ellora.Kailasanatha Temple was built for a very long time. The construction began, probably, during the reign of Dantidurg (English) from the Rastrakut dynasty, and ended under Krishnaraj II.
3. Sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi, Roztashovan at the central center of the whole complex. Vidpovidno to the legend, the first temple of Apollo in Delphi Bulo was inspired from laurel branches, the other from bjolin wax, the third from middle, and the quarters from the holy brothers and sisters Trofonim Agamed for the assistance of Apol himself. Obviously, the temple itself, of impulses with tuff, was blown with a burnt plume 548 r. BC.
4. the city of ancient America, located on the territory of modern Peru, 6 kilometers from the village of Aguas Calientes, on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level, dominating the valley of the Urubamba River. Machu Picchu is often called the "city in ruins" or "the city among the clouds", also sometimes called the "lost city of the Incas."
5.I would like to visit the city of Machu Picchu, because it is located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level and is considered a new wonder of the world.
Nowadays travelling is a popular activity among people. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People like travelling and they travel a lot. They can travel for pleasure or on business.
There are different methods of travelling. You can travel by plane, by ship, by train or by car. Some people travel on foot. You can go along little lanes where the fast car can’t go. You can wander through meadows, pass quite lakes and wonderful woods. Also you can see wild animals and flowers in the forest. You can feel the beauty of nature. But I think, it’s not a very comfortable way of traveling, because you can get tired very quickly.
I’m very fond of travelling and I prefer to travel by train. I think it’s very pleasant. Especially if you have a comfortable seat in a railway carriage you can have a splendid view of the countryside. If the journey is long, you can sleep and have a good rest. Moreover, I consider, big railway stations are quite excited places. There are crowds of people, the porters pull the luggage along the platforms, and hungry passengers hurry to the refreshment rooms.
В наше время путешествия - популярное занятие среди людей. Очень интересно видеть новые места, другие города и страны. Людям нравится путешествовать, и они много путешествуют. Они могут путешествовать ради удовольствия или по делам.
Существуют разные путешествий. Вы можете путешествовать самолетом, кораблем, поездом или автомобилем. Некоторые люди путешествуют пешком. Вы можете идти по маленьким переулкам, куда не может поехать быстрая машина. Вы можете бродить по лугам, проезжать тихие озера и чудесные леса. Также вы можете увидеть диких животных и цветы в лесу. Вы можете почувствовать красоту природы. Но я думаю, это не очень удобный путешествовать, потому что вы очень быстро устаете.
Я очень люблю путешествовать и предпочитаю путешествовать на поезде. Я думаю, что это очень приятно. Особенно, если у вас есть удобное место в железнодорожном вагоне, у вас может быть великолепный вид на округу. Если путешествие долгое, вы можете спать и хорошо отдохнуть. Более того, я считаю, что крупные железнодорожные станции - это довольно волнующие места. Толпы людей, носильщики тянут багаж вдоль платформ, а голодные пассажиры спешат в комнаты отдыха.