IV. Образуйте прилагательные и закончите предложения. 1) Help. I like my friend. She is very . 2) Enjoy. Having a hobby is very . 3) Impress. The pictures by Surikov are . 4) Use. We learn many things at school.
1. on the one hand, fast food is very tasty and cheap, but on the other hand, it is fat and unhealthy. 2. on the one hand, life in bid sity is fast and difficult sometimes, but on the other hand, life in that city can be very interesting. 3. on the one hand, living in flat is good for someone, who loves beautiful sights of the sity, but on the other hand, your neighbors can be very noisy. 4. on the one hand, buying clothes in internet is convinient, but on the other hand, it is dangerous. 5. on the one hand, she isn't good at dancing, but on the other hand, she sings very well.
I`d like to tell you about my summer holiday. I went to the village to my granny. It was interesting place and it was warm every day. I went to the village with my family. We got there by train. When I arrived, I met my old friends there.
There was a beautiful river near the forest. The water was very warm, so I went to the river every day. Then I helped my granny with the garden. I liked it very much. I think it was my best summer holiday.
Я хочу вам рассказать о моих летних каникулах. Я ездила в деревню к моей бабушке. Это было интересное место, и каждый день было тепло. Я ездила вдеревню со своей семьей. Мы ездили туда на поезде. Когда я приехала, я встретила своих старых друзей.
Там была красивая река около леса. Вода была очень теплой, поэтому я каждый день ходила на речку. Потом я бабушке по саду. Мне очень понравилось. Я думаю, что это мои лучшие каникулы.
1)She is very helpful
2)Having a hobby is very enjoyable
3)The pictures by Surikov are impressible
4)We learn many useful things at school.
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