1. We decided to postpone _the_ party for _a_ week. 2. It was _an_ ugly house with too many passages and _a_ glass porch. 3. Peter is _a_ friend of mine. 4. They tried to break _the_ lock with _a_ sledgehammer. 5. __ kings live in __ palaces. 6. An educated man is not happy without __ books. 7. _The_ palm trees along the beach are very tall. 8. Sorry if _the_ truth hurts. 9. From the window she had _an_ enthralling view of the city. 10. I won’t forget you in _a_ hurry. 11. He recognized her at __ first sight. 12. When we last played __ golf you were terrible. 13. She works as _a_ chemist. 14. _The_ sun was getting warmer. 15. We went to _the_ cinema last night. 16. I like ___ ice-cream. 17. He repeated it over and over again until he knew it by heart. 18. Here is _the_ book I told you about. 19. In front of _the_ station there was _an_ elm tree. 20. It was very hot for _the_ time of year.
1. Were The twins born in June.? Were The twins born in June or September ? The twins were born in June,werent they? Who was born in June.? When were the twins born ? 2. Did We have a great time in Disneyland? Did we have a great or driary time in Disneyland ? We had a great time in Disneyland,didnt we? Who had a great time in Disneyland? Where did we have a great time? 3. Can Mr. Black play chess very well.? Can Mr. Black play chess or tennis very well.? Mr. Black can play chess very well.,cant he? Who can play chess very well? What game can Mr Blak play very well? 4. Is The salad not fresh.? Is The salad or fish not fresh.? The salad is not fresh.,is it? What is not fresh? How is the salad? 5. Does My wife prefer juice to tea.? Does My wife or sister prefer juice to tea.? My wife prefers juice to tea.,doesnt she? Who prefers juice to tea.? Whose wife does prefer juice to tea?/What does my wife prefer to tea? 6. Does Tom order Japanese food every Friday.? Does Tom order Japanese or Turkish food every Friday.? Tom orders Japanese food every Friday.,doesnt he? Who orders Japanese food every Friday.? Which food does Tom order every Friday?/When does Tom order Japanese food? 7.Do I meet many people at work.? Do I meet many people at work or home.? I meet a lot of people at work.,dont I ? Who meets many people at work.? Where do I meet many people? 8.Will They have lunch at home.? Will They have lunch or breakfast at home.? They will have lunch at home.,wont they? Who will have lunch at home? Where will they have lunch? 9. Will He study French in Canada.? Will He study French or Spain in Canada. He will study French in Canada.,wont he? Who will study French in Canda? Where will he study French? 10. Are They football fans.? Are They football or basketball fans.? They are football fans.,arent they? Who are football fans? Who are they? 11. Can Her granny tell fortunes from cards.? Can Her granny tell fortunes from cards. or from coffee? Her granny can tell fortunes from cards.,cant she? Who can tell fortunes from cards.? What can her granny do? 12. Have I made an apple-pie.? Have I made an apple-pie.or buscuit? I have made an apple-pie.,havent I? Who has made an apple-pie.? What have I made?
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