Read the essay and complete the table.помагите вот текст в писменом а вот фото текста
We all like travelling to different places, but what is the best means of transport? To many people the aeroplane is their first choice
There are certain advantages to travelling by plane. Firstly, it is the fastest means of transport.
Planes are ideal if you want to travel to another country in a few hours. Also, travelling by plane is comfortable. You can relax, read a book listen to music or play your favourite games.
On the other hand, there are drawbacks to traveling by aeroplane. First of all, it's quite expensive. Tickets cost a lot of money. Secondly, it is not environmentally friendly. Planes cause a lot of pollution because of the large amount of fossil fuels they consume To sum up, there are arguments both f and agains: travelling by plane,
Although planes are fast they are most suitable for long distances. For shorter journeys, t is better to use a form of transport that is cheaper and
Causes less pollution.
Holidayresort- курорт
To get a suntan- загорать
To go on excursions- ходить на экскурсии
To visit museums- посещать музеи
To go sightseeing- осматривать достопримечательности
To line on the beach- лежать на пляже
To hire a car- брать машину на прокат
To go to a disco- ходить на дискотеку
To go to a night club- ходить в ночной клуб
To play pool- играть в бильярд
To go to the zoo- ходить в зоопарк
To go to the park- ходить в парк
To go to the circus- ходить в цирк
To go to a concert- ходить на концерт
To go to the ballet- ходить на балет
To play bingo- играть в лото
To go jogging- бегать трусцой
To hike- путешествовать пешком
To paint- рисовать красками
To do gardening- заниматься садоводством
To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейне
To knit- вязать
To play musical instruments- играть на музыкальных инструментах
Leisure/spare time- свободное время
To collect stamps/coins- коллекционировать марки, монеты
To sew- шить
To embroider- вышивать
To buy some souvenirs- покупать сувениры