Every year, in autumn, about 50 million children start their school year in more than 100,000 high schools in the United States. More than 3 million teachers five days a week teach representatives of various races and nationalities living in the country. About 85% of students attend public schools funded by taxpayers, and the remaining 15% attend private schools, in which parents themselves pay for the education of their children (see table 3). On average, four out of five private schools are controlled by church organizations, synagogues, or various religious groups. Here, along with traditional subjects (mathematics, language, history, geography, etc.), other disciplines are taught.), Religious courses are included in the curriculum (such subjects are not taught in public schools).
In the United States there is no unified state education system, and each state has the right to independently determine its structure. The US education system includes:
preschool institutions in which children aged 3-5 years are brought up;preschool institutions in which children aged 3-5 years are brought up;primary school (grades 1-8) for children aged 6-13 years;preschool institutions in which children aged 3-5 years are brought up;primary school (grades 1-8) for children aged 6-13 years;high school (grades 9-12) with the task of educating boys and girls aged 14-17 years;preschool institutions in which children aged 3-5 years are brought up;primary school (grades 1-8) for children aged 6-13 years;high school (grades 9-12) with the task of educating boys and girls aged 14-17 years;postgraduate educational institutions that are part of the higher education system.1. I __ play the piano.
b) can
2. Her grandmother__ dance very well when she was young.
c) could
3. They__do this work tomorrow.
a) will be able to
4. Where have you been,__I ask?
a) may
5. Mother said that I __ play.
b) might
6. We__ go for a walk every day when we do our home task.
a) are allowed to
7. You __ not forget about your duties.
b) must
8. She __ stay at home because she did not feel very well.
c) had to
9. As we had agreed before, we __ to meet at two o’clock to go to the stadium together.
a) were
10. The __ come if they do not want to.
a) need not
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как все планеты попали туда? как это только наша планета имеет жизнь? Будем ли мы когда-нибудь путешествовать на другие планеты? Я часто думаю об этих вопросах. Я думаю, что наша планета самая лучшая. Это выглядит так красиво из космоса с его смесью синего и зеленого. Другие планеты выглядят так странно для меня. Меркурий - это просто красный шар, почти такой же, как Марс. Сатурн выглядит как настоящая планета. Кольца придают ему особый вид. Другие планеты выглядят не так интересно. Я не очень много знаю о Венере, Нептуне, Уране и Юпитере. Когда я был маленьким и в школе, я узнал, что Плутон - это планета. Однако сейчас это не так. Ученые решили, что в нашей солнечной системе всего восемь планет, а не девять. Интересно, почему они сбросили Плутон?
1. Наша планета выглядит так красиво из космоса
2. Меркурий почти такой же, как Венера
3. Кольца придают Сатурну особый вид
4. Плутон теперь планета
5. Ученые решили, что в нашей солнечной системе есть 10 планет