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11.11.2022 13:51 •  Английский язык

23. Fill in the sentences with the words from the box.
have, get, make, let

1) The window would not open. I want to ___ the carpenter repair it.
2) There is a blockage in the bathroom. I must ___ the plumber unclog it.
3) The water is dripping from the celling again. I must ___ the neighbours above to fix the leakage.
4) My younger sister is so choosy abouthe food but I ___ her eat what is served.
5) That little mouse ___ Liz run madly about the house screaming for help.
6) The wall is getting old and we must ___ somebody replace the tiles.
7) I did not have an umbrella and ___ the rain drop on my head.
8) Nickolas upset the teacher and was grounded. That is, he was not ___ go home after the lessons.
9) It's high time you ___ your hair cut.
10) Poor Johnny ___ his finger caught in the door.

24. Complete the text with the words from the box.
make, let, enable, allow, have, get, want

A connected car has Internet access. This 1) ___ the car to share information with the Internet, other cars on the road and the devices inside. The system 2) ___ the driver to have a trouble-free ride. Special technology 3) ___ the driver know about the situation on the roads. It can even 4) ___ the car go slower if the driver forgets about speed limits. Some most advanced models can even 5) ___ the Internet drive the car and drivers can relax at least for some time. If necessary. the driver can 6) ___ the car parked and brought back from the parking place. The system can 7) ___ to control the temperature, find the location of the automobile and even send the SOS signal if something happens to the car. Car manufacturers 8) ___ smartphones to work towards this purpose. The problem is how to 9) ___ the customers to pay the extra costs of their car connectivity.

25. Complete the text.

Niihau is the smallest inhabited island in Hawaii. Years ago a hundred and thirty inhabitants 1) ___ the tourists turn away from its coastline. They did not 2) ___ the outsiders set foot on their soil. As far back as 1863 a wealthy family of plantation owners 3) ___ the brokers sell the island to them and 4) ___ the local court to outlaw all visitors. Only the remaining permanent dwellers, native Hawaiians, were 5) ___ to stay. The community and the municipal council 6) ___ their rent abolished and so far they have not shown any intention to have the roads 7) ___ telephone lines 8) ___ plumbing 9) ___ running water pipes 10) ___ and stores 11) ___ They have horse farms 12) ___ transportation for them. They have solar farms 13) ___ electricity for them. They have barges 14) ___ groceries for them from the mainland.

1) a) had b) got c) made d) let

2) a) let b) allow c) have d) get

3) a) got b) let c) allowed d) had

4) a) got b) had c) let d) allowed

5) a) let b) made c) allowed d) had

6) a) got b) had c) made d) let

7) a) connected b) installed c) opened d) paved

8) a) connected b) installed c) paved d) opened

9) a) paved b) done c) connected d) built

10) a) connected b) built c) installed d) paved

11) a) opened b) built c) installed d) used

12) a) offer b) give c) connect d) provide

13) a) connect b) supply c) install d) deliver

14) a) bring b) sell c) deliver d) supply

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Lovely morning… I woke up in an excellent mood. I’d been waiting for that day for many months and it had come at last. It was Christmas, my favourite holiday. I knew something incredible often happened on a Christmas night. But I couldn’t even imagine what would occur.

A few minutes after awakening I noticed a colourful postcard on my bed stand. What was written there? «Dear Sasha, you’re invited to the wonderful Christmas party. Hope you will enjoy our surprise». I decided to go and just look at that fantastic evening.

At 8 p.m. wearing my best dress I came to the party. It was held in the old-fashioned house. I went inside, appeared in a huge hall and became breathless. There was a big Christmas tree decorated with golden balls and tinsel. Under the tree there were gifts wrapped in bright paper. Holiday atmosphere was reigning in the air.

Suddenly I noticed people hiding behind the tree. I became scared when the lights went off. I was ready to flee when garlands on the Christmas tree began to flash and I saw the room full of dozens of my relatives and friends. All of them had come to celebrate Christmas together. I was very excited. We wished a Merry Christmas to each other and started to have fun. There, in the atmosphere of love and tenderness, I realized that it was magic when the whole family got together; it was the real spirit of Christmas.


Прелестное утро... Я проснулась в отличном настроении. Я ждала этого дня много месяцев, и он наконец-то настал. Это было Рождество, мой любимый праздник. Я знала, что что-то удивительное всегда случается в Рождественскую ночь. Но я даже не могла вообразить, что произойдёт.

Спустя несколько минут после пробуждения я заметила красочную открытку на моем прикроватном столике. Что же там было написано? "Дорогая Саша, ты приглашена на чудесную Рождественскую вечеринку. Надеемся, ты насладишься нашим сюрпризом". Я решила пойти и просто посмотреть на этот фантастический вечер.

В 8 часов вечера одетая в своё самое лучшее платье я пришла на вечеринку. Она проводилась в старинном доме. Я зашла внутрь, попала в огромный холл, и у меня перехватило дыхание. Там стояла большая Рождественская ёлка, украшенная золотыми шарами и мишурой. Под ёлкой лежали подарки, обёрнутые в яркую бумагу. Праздничная атмосфера царила в воздухе.

Внезапно я заметила людей, прячущихся за ёлкой. Я испугалась, когда свет погас. Я уже была готова бежать, как вдруг, когда гирлянды на ёлке загорелись, я увидела, что комната заполнена десятками моих родственников и друзей. Все они собрались, чтобы отпраздновать Рождество вместе. Я была очень рада. Мы поздравили друг друга с Рождеством и начали веселиться. Там, в атмосфере любви и нежности, я поняла, что волшебство - это когда вся семья собирается вместе; это настоящий дух Рождества.

4,5(16 оценок)
A typical cypriot dinner will start with appetizers,salads and dips. Main dishes are mostly meat-based or fish-based. End of the dinner could be sweety dessert with traditional strong coffee.
Meze is traditional selection of hot and cold appetizers. Meze could include Tzatziki - a yogurt dip with cucumber, olive oil and garlic;
Tahini - a paste of crushed sesame seeds, olive oil, garlic, lemon;
Taramosalat - a fish roe mixed with potatoes, olive oil, onion and lemon.

Традиционный киприотский ужин начинается с закусок и салатов. Основные блюда составляют мясо или рыба. Ужин заканчивается сладким десертом и крепким кофе.
Мезе это традиционный набор холодных и горячих закусок. Мезе включает в себя:
Тзатзыки - йогурт с огурцом,лимонным соком,оливковым маслом
Тахини - измельченный кунжут, лук, чеснок, оливковое масло
Тарамасалат - икра с картофелем, оливковым маслом,луком и чесноком

The main meal of every dinner in Kazakhstan is boiled meat. The delicious aromatic meat is boiled with pieces of pastry. Meat bouillon - sorpa is served in phials. Kumiss - the drink is based on mare milk could be the last dish of the dinner. Baursaks - is a type of bread.

Традиционным блюдом в Казахстане является варенное мясо. Вкусное ароматное мясо варится с кусочками теста. Мясной бульон - сорпа подается в пиалах. Кумыс - напиток на основе кобыльего молока становится заключительным блюдом ужина. Баурсаки - это одна из разновидностей хлеба.
4,7(60 оценок)
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