Hello, I am Ivan and I am 17 years old. I'm from Russia, city Moscow. In the future I plan to become a programmer, because I'm like computer and internet. But to get this profession, I need to know English well, because most programs on English. Also this language is useful to me in life, because I plan to visit other countries, where without the knowledge of English is very difficult. These are my two main life goals: to become a cool programmer and go abroad.To achieve these goals, I need to try hard. For example, finish the school of English and pass the exam perfectly. I need to pass exams on these subjects perfectly welland never give up!
1) The beautiful (номинальная) city of St. Petersburg is built on water, which gives a magical (номинальная) and romantic (номинальная) atmosphere. 2) One of the most famous (превосходная) museums, the State Hermitage, is situated here. 3) It is one of the largest (превосходная) museums in Europe. 4) St. Petersburg is more beautiful (сравнительная) than most other cities in Russia and abroad. 1) Прекрасный город Санкт-Петербург. Петербург построен на воде, что создает волшебную и романтическую атмосферу. 2) Здесь находится один из самых известных музеев - Государственный Эрмитаж. 3) Это один из крупнейших музеев Европы. 4) Санкт-Петербург более красив, чем большинство других городов в России и за рубежом.
When did you parents get married?
Who did get married?
Your parents got married 20 years ago, didn’t they?
What did your parents do 20 years ago?
Where did parents get married?