Контрольна робота з письма 7 клас.
I. Вжити: So-Neither.
1. I do not speak French. ( My friend).
2. My grandparents were in Kyiv last winter. ( My parents).
II. Вибрати правильний зворотний займенник: herself, himself, myself,
yourself. (One is extra).
1. I didn`t buy the cake from the shop. I made it.
2. Mag had a nice time in London. She enjoyed.
3. I want to know more about you. Tell me.
III. Поставити запитання «з хвостиком»:
1. They always study hard, ?
2. My sister cleaned the room yesterday, ?
3. He isn`t watching TV now,?
IV. Вставити: Such a, So
1.My brother issmart pupil.
2. His parents arehardworking.
V. Скласти речення.
1. often/ you/How/go/do/the/cinema/to?
2.What/ can/in/ places/see/Kyiv/ you/ interesting?
VI. Написати 6 речень по одній із тем:
1. Sport in my life.
2. My school life.
- Could you buy me some food to my birthday?
- With pleasure. Did you make up the list yourself?
- No, with my mother. I onlu added the souvenirs to the games and competitions.
- Do you have to buy meet and fish? I don't understand anything in it.
- Don't worry! We decided to spread a tea-table. That is why we will buy candy, cookies and fruits.
- And how about the cake? I've seen candles on the list.
- We will buy everything for cake: flour, eggs, sugar, sour cream and nuts. I will help her.