Прочитайте и определите, о каких участниках судебного разбирательства идет речь. 1. A lawyer empowered to prosecute cases on behalf of a government and its people. 2. A public officer chosen or elected to preside over and to administer the law in a court of justice; one who controls the proceedings in a courtroom and decides questions of law. 3. Officer of some courts whose duties include keeping order in the courtroom and guarding prisoners or jurors in deliberation. 4. Persons selected according to the law and sworn to consider and declare a verdict. 5. An officer of the court whose responsibilities include maintaining the records of a court. Another duty is to swear in witnesses and jurors. 6. One who gives evidence in a case before a court and who attests or swears to facts or gives or bears testimony under oath. 7. The party against which an action is brought.
Long form
- He does not like balloons.
- I do not like tigers.
- My mum does not like cats.
Short form:
- She doesn't like eggs.
- I don't like snakes.
- My grandpa doesn't like cake.
Задание 2: Здесь нужно поставить галочку к тем вещам, которые нравятся вашей маме, а крестик к тем, которые не нравятся. Выберите свои комбинации.
Можно вот там ==> галочка: cakes (торты), pastries (выпечки), balloons (шарики), gloves (перчатки), grapes (виноград). Крестик: books (книги), nuts (орехи), toy cars (игрушечные машинки), yo-yos (йо-йо), slippers (тапки).
Задание 3: Здесь нужно нарисовать все подарки, которые маме нравятся. Я напишу что можно описать, а вы нарисуйте это.
My mum likes perfume (нарисуйте духи)
She likes to new clothes. She likes dresses, jumpers and skirts (нарисуйте платье, кофту и юбку). She likes cooking, so she likes to get new kitchenware as presents (нарисуйте что-нибудь из кухонной утвари, например микроволновку или сковородку).
She doesn't like drawing, so no papers, pencils or paints as presents (можете нарисовать листок и рядом краски и перечеркнуть это крестиком). She doesn't like dolls (нарисуйте куклу и перечеркните ее). She doesn't like flowers (нарисуйте цветы и перечеркните их).