Summative assessment for the unit "Our Neighbourhood"
Learning objectives 6.L5 Understand most specific
information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular
6.SI Provide basic information about themselves
and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics
6.S2 Ask simple questions to get information
about a growing range
of general topics
Assessment criteria .
extended conversation with
Recognise detailed information in
Give basic information about
themselves and others in a talk
• Make up simple interrogative sentences
to get information
about the topic and ask questions
Level of thinking Knowledge and comprehension
skills Application
20 minutes
Остальные ,соответственно,- Present Perfect
I have built a house.
I have built a house when he came out of school
I have never built houses
I haven't built a house
Have you ever built a tower?
We built a house today
I have not yet learned words
We haven't made tutorials
They have never seen a crocodile
They haven't seen yesterday the crocodile
Так. На заметку.
Время Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту или завершено в период настоящего времени
Время Past Simple(indefinite) используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в и время совершения которого уже истекло