Once upon a time, a young Prince lived in a shining castle. One cold night an old beggar woman arrived, offering him a single rose in return for shelter from the cold. Repulsed by her ugliness, he turned her away. Suddenly she transformed into a beautiful enchantress. To Punish the Prince, she turned him into a hideous beast. Then she gave him a magic mirror and the enchanted rose, telling him it would bloom until his twenty-first year. To break the spell, he must love another and earn that person’s love in return before the last petal fell.
Nearby, in a small village, a beautiful young woman named Belle hurried through town. She greeted the townspeople and then rushed to her favorite shop - the bookstore. The owner gave her a book as a gift. A dreamy look crossed Belle’s face. "It’s my favorite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise ... Oh, thank you very much!" A dreamy look crossed Belle’s face. "It’s my favorite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise ... Oh, thank you very much!" Belle rushed outside, reading as she walked.
Skazka s samogo nachala schitaite 12 predlozhenij sebe na zdorovje!
1. what relationships between parents and their children could you call ideal ? Ideal relationship between parents and their children should base on mutual understanding, doing duties without any reminding. When everybody try for other don't waiting anything in response harmony and mutual understanding appear in family. 2.why do you think parents often feel neglected and children in their turn are often offended by excessive parents care and interference in their affairs ? where in your opinion is the so called "golden middle" ? Parents should understand that their children become adult after 14 years old. They should be treated after this age like adult people. Sometimes parents are connected too much with their children and see in children the only one goal in life. So there will be problems in this case. Golden middle is when parents and children are friends. Each of them understands needs each other, can talk about everything.
To Punish the Prince, she turned him into a hideous beast. Then she gave him a magic mirror and the enchanted rose, telling him it would bloom until his twenty-first year. To break the spell, he must love another and earn that person’s love in return before the last petal fell.
Nearby, in a small village, a beautiful young woman named Belle hurried through town. She greeted the townspeople and then rushed to her favorite shop - the bookstore. The owner gave her a book as a gift. A dreamy look crossed Belle’s face. "It’s my favorite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise ... Oh, thank you very much!" A dreamy look crossed Belle’s face. "It’s my favorite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise ... Oh, thank you very much!" Belle rushed outside,
reading as she walked.
Skazka s samogo nachala schitaite 12 predlozhenij sebe na zdorovje!