Відповідь:gloomy silence - мрачная тишина (gloom) an outstanding novelist- выдающийся новелист (outstand) gathering darkness наростающая темнота (gather), limitless possibilities,неограниченые возможности( limit )an important addition важное примечание (addict), a noticeable improvement, видимое улучшение (notice) complete understanding, полное понимание (understand) widespread popularity,большая популярность (spread) a gymnastic competition соревнования по гимнастике (compete), a new acquaintance новое знакомство (acquainte) a small settlement, маленький поселок (settle) an important announcement. важное обьявление (announce)
Travelling is a special kind of human activity. People usually visit the most popular places of the city or country and lose a lot, because they don’t know about the most beautiful, but not worldwide famous places located there. There are top-3 places which could be named as the most unusual places in the world. The first incredible place is the Road of Heaven (Huashan Mountain chain) located in Huayin, China. It is composed of shaky stairs and paths with rope railings nailed on the rocks. It seems to be very dangerous to climb up and its visitors put their lives at risk to test their limits at every step. They desire to reach the famous teahouse in the top of the mountain. People could enjoy a beautiful view on picturesque mountain chain in the form of the flower and get a guaranteed rush of adrenaline, because people should always try to keep the balance.