10.watch TV - смотреть телевизор 3.have breakfast - завтракать 4.12 .clean my teeth - чищу зубы 6.come home - прихожу домой 5.go to school - идти в школу 1.get up - вставать 13.go to bed - идти спать. ложиться спать 9.read books - читать книги 2. 7.wash my face and hands - мыть лицо и руки 8.do my homework - делать уроки 11.play with my toys - играть со своими игрушками цифры стоят перед предложением каждым - это порядок их. I get up, wash my face and hands, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and go to school. I come home from school, my hands, face, do my homework, read books, play with my toys, watch TV, my hands and face, go to bed. этот рассказ состоит из тех предложений. которые были даны в упражнении. Удачи))
1) A.S Pushkin became popular when he was young. He was a s...??? (successful) poet who had a real talent. 2) Where is the money? I'm going to the shops. 3) Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman astronaut in the world. 4) What are you talking about? I don't understand you. 5) A new Harry Potter book became a real s...??? (success) 6) Is it difficult or easy to learn English? 7) When did Charlie Chaplin die? He died in 1977. 8) Always choose??? a book carefully. 9) The train doesn't stop at this station. 10) When are you going to your medical class? 11) I hear your brother has a talent for painting
1) My cousin lives in Paris