We therefore trusted ourselves to the mercy of the waves. - расписать это предложения на 12 временах активного залога. i swam as fortune directed me. а это предложение записать на 12 временах пассивного залога(переделать его в пассивный сначала)
Thanks for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again.
You asked me about pets. Well, I think some people refuse to have pets because it's a great responsibility. Besides, they have to spend time and money on them. Personally, I don't approve of keeping such unusual pets as lizards or different insects. I believe they should live in their natual habitat. As for the most common pets in Russia, I should say that these are cats, dogs, budgies and hamsters. It's easy to look after them.
Hi, Ben. Thanks for your long and interesting letter. It was pleasure for me to hear you after not hearing you for ages. Sorry that I did not write earlier but I was very busy. I think that people do not want to have pets because the afraid of responsibility on them. You have to feed your pet, comb his hair and other. No, I do not like snakes or spider. They are very horrible for me. I prefer cats or dogs which are the best friends for me. There are a lot of popular pets in my country such as dogs, cats, turtles and otheres, too. This is everything what I wanted to say about. Love, your friend.
Dear Ben,
Thanks for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again.
You asked me about pets. Well, I think some people refuse to have pets because it's a great responsibility. Besides, they have to spend time and money on them. Personally, I don't approve of keeping such unusual pets as lizards or different insects. I believe they should live in their natual habitat.
As for the most common pets in Russia, I should say that these are cats, dogs, budgies and hamsters. It's easy to look after them.
That's all for now. Write back soon.
Love, Mary