1. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? A
2. I'm not sure. What does "optimist" mean? B
3. An optimist is someone who always sees the good in a situation. B
4. Is a pessimist the opposite for an optimist? B
5. Then I'm definitely a pessimist. B
6, 7. I always think bad things are going to happen. B, B
8, 9. I'm always afraid that I'm going to lose my job or there's going to be an earthquake or something. B, C
10, 11. You aren't just a pessimist; you're paranoid. C, A
12. What does "paranoid" mean? A
13, 14. A paranoid person thinks that everyone in the world is against him or her. B, A
15. I don't think everyone is against; I know they are.
16. That's interesting. Can I use your phone? C
17. Because I'm going to call the psychiatric hospital. A
18, 19. Before you do that there are two things I want you to know. C, C
1. Yesterday many people helped with the household chores.
2. Bob cleaned the bathroom.
3. Maurice scrubbed the kitchen floor.
4. Mary organized the papers on the desk.
5. James moved the loan.
6. He planted some flowers too.
7. Connie swept the floors in the living room, dining room, and entrance hall.
8. She moped the floor too.
9. Miles washed all the windows.
10. Richard did everyone's laundry.
11. Ann made lunch for everybody.
12. She also cooked dinner.
13. Bob and James baked a cake.
14. Connie and Maurice cleaned up the mess they made.
15. Jill fed all the dogs.
16. She gave some food to the cats too.
17. George fixed the broken table.
18. He repaired the clock too.
19. I did not do any work.
20. I supervised.
1. might
2. should
3. must be
4. Could
5. needn't
6. May