Выполните задание. Translate into English. 1) Он разрешил - ему разрешили; 2) Я забыл - меня забыли; 3) Она позвала - ее позвали; 4) Ей дали - ей дают - ей дадут; 5) Мне мне мне Его услышали – его слышат - его услышат.
for you to be the very best in your field? Which of the classes are you giving the highest priority? Why? 3. Are you going to gain professional certificates in addition to your education? Do you need to pass qualification exams, get licensed? 4. How do you plan to improve skills during your future career? Would you like to study abroad? have? 5. What are the skills an excellent architect/ designer/ boss should 6. ho would you hire a employee with a lot of experience or an employee 7. with a lot of education? life? Is it common for people fro
In the world there are many different professions. Some are related to the finances, other professions with people. And choose any of them is not easy. At first glance, you think that any profession perfect fit for you, but if you look, then we find out that this is not so. When you begin to learn more about the profession you can find flaws in it. Whether it be a small salary, or too heavy work schedule. And when you like one of these jobs, it's difficult. But if you love what you do, you will not do it in vain.
1) He allowed - he was allowed;
2) I forgot - they forgot me;
3) She called - they called her;
4) They gave her - they give her - they will give her;
5) They helped me - they help me - they will help me;
6) They heard him - they hear him - they hear him.