1 Fill in: edit, memory, digital, store, flickering, consider, freak, hook, laptop, move, flapping,
The family of my friend the opportunity of buying a cottage in Greece.
She is really on using social networks.
Ask Steve to help you your letter of application.
cameras replaced their forerunners long time ago.
This rock band is very popular, it has a lot of concerts, that’s why it is on the all the time.
The witness said that she had seen a light in the window.
When they came into the room, they saw that it was empty, the window was opened and the curtain was in the wind.
Do you really this important information on your ?
I need to change the card for my camera.
Young people are crazy about gadgets nowadays. They are really techno .
2. Form verbs from the words in brackets.
After the robbery, the owner of the shop decided to ( tight).
You need to ( short) the skirt, it’s too long for you.
He is sure, that photos help people to ( memory) the best moments of their life.
New courses ( able) pensioners to use computers without anybody’s help.
Her aim is to ( large) the collection of coins up to 10000 units.
3. Turn the sentences into the reported speech.
1. Mary said: “ I bought a new printer yesterday.”
2. John said: “ I’m writing an essay at the moment”.
3. Carry said: “ I think the batteries are flat”.
4. The policeman said: “ You must wear a crash helmet”.
5. My mother told me: “ Turn off the stove”.
6. Paula asked: “ Can you change the password?”
7. Tony asked: “ What colour headphones did you choose?”
8. My parents told me: “ Don’t buy useless gadgets.”
4. Fill in: on, up, about, back.
1. He brought the loudspeakers he had taken yesterday.
2. New system has brought big changes in hoe the firm work.
3. The boys were brought ___ by their granny.
4. Did you catch flu? What brought that ___?
5. Fill in: at, in, under, out of, on
1. Fiona wasn’t sure first, but now she uses her new device all the time.
2. They have been thinking for a long time, and the end they’ve made up the decision.
3. Our football team can’t play well pressure.
4. He is always the laptop these days.
5. The microwave oven is order for a month.
"Кто свистит в тумане за рекою?
То Овлур. Его условный зов
Слышит князь, укрытый темнотою:
— Выходи, князь Игорь! — И едва
Смолк Овлур, как от ночного гула
Вздрогнула земля,
Зашумела трава,
Буйным ветром вежи всколыхнуло.
В горностая-белку обратясь,
К тростникам помчался Игорь-князь,
И поплыл, как гоголь по волне,
Полетел, как ветер, на коне.
Конь упал, и князь с коня долой,
Серым волком скачет он домой.
Словно сокол, вьётся в облака,
Увидав Донец издалека.
Без дорог летит и без путей,
Бьёт к обеду уток-лебедей.
Там, где Игорь соколом летит,
Там Овлур, как серый волк, бежит,
Все в росе от полуночных трав,
Борзых коней в беге надорвав."
Если коротко, то сообщник подготовил ему коня, Игорь на него вскочил и бежал.