ответ:Past Perfect
— I had been in the office by 7 a.m already. Я был в офисе уже к семи утра.
— I had already finished my work by the time he came. Я уже закончила свою работу к его приходу.
— He wanted me to join the tennis club. But I had already joined the football club Он хотел, чтобы я присоединилась к теннисному клубу. Но я уже присоединилась к футбольному клубу.
— I wanted to go to school with him. But he had already gone. Я хотела пойти в школу с ним. Но он уже ушел.
— My parents had returned from their work by the time I came from the school. Мои родители вернулись с работы к моему приходу из школы.
— My grandmother had made a very delicious meal by the time we arrived. Моя бабушка сделала очень вкусный обед к нашему приезду.
Past Simple
I was at work yesterday. – Вчера я был на работе. ...
I didn't see anything because of the darkness. – Я ничего не увидел из-за темноты. ...
I wasn't at home when it happened. – Я не был дома, когда это случилось. ...
Did you go to cinema yesterday? – Вы сходили вчера в кино? ...
Was it her car? ...
When did they come?
1 A: Have you ever won a prize?
B: Yes, I came first in a cycle race when I was ten.
2 A: Have you ever broken any bones?
B: Yes, I broke my arm when fell down the stairs.
3 A: Have you ever lost something really important?
B: Yes. Once I left the tickets for my flight in a taxi.
4.A: Have you ever fallen off something high?
B: No, I haven't, but my sister once fell three metres out of a window!
5. A: Have you ever failed an exam?
B: No, never. I always pass them!
6. A: Has anyone ever stolen anything from you?
B: Yes, someone stole my car a few years ago.
7. A: Do you know anyone who has worked abroad?
B: Yes, my cousin once had a job in the UK.
8. A: Have you ever cried in public?
B: Yes. When Michael Jackson died. lt was really sad.
9. A: What's the best thing you've ever done?
B: That's a difficult question. Maybe going to Disney land.
10. A: What's the worst mistake you've ever made?
B: Getting divorced.