True or false
1. In some Asian and African countries, up to 80% of the population relies on
non-traditional medicine for their primary health care needs.
2. Practices known as traditional medicines include Ayurveda , Siddha
medicine, traditional Korean medicine and others.
3. Non traditional medicine is also known as alternative medicine and does not
fall in the category of conventional medicine.
4. Acupuncture has been dated back to 3000 years ago.
5. Acupuncture has its origin from traditional Korean medicine.
This character was created by Jerry Siegel, the famous writer and creator of the comic books, and artist Joe Shuster, a specialist in the field of comic books too. Superman has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, as well as a number of other super-powers such as flight, heat vision, ice breath, and others. He is invulnerable and immortal. His allies are Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and others.
80 слов. 80 words.
Супермен - это супер-герой, который борется за добро и мир во всем мире. Этого персонажа придумали писатель Джерри Сигел, знаменитый сценарист и создатель комиксов, и художник Джо Шустер, тоже специалист в сфере комиксов.Супермен имеет сверхчеловеческую силу, скорость и выносливасть, а также ряд других супер такие как полет, тепловое зрение, ледяное дыхание и др. Он неуязвим, а также бессмертен. Его союзники это: Бэтмен, Чудо-женщина, Зелёный фонарь и другие.