Есть много недостатков пребывания в школе, к вам все ещё относятся как к ребенку, учителя знают вашу историю, и вы не получаете другого жизненного опыта. Я остался в школе, потому что это был простой выбор, и мне не было так страшно, как уйти в колледж. Вскоре я понял, что люди, которые учились в колледже, занимались более интересными вещами, как правило, имели лучший выбор предметов и к ним относились как ко взрослым. В конце концов я бросил школу и поступил в колледж. Колледж с шестилетним обучением обеспечил отличную атмосферу и хорошую подготовку к поступлению в университет. Я очень серьезно отнёсся к учёбе и усердно там работал.
1. I go at school, I'm going at school, I went at school, I was going at school, I will go at school.
Do I go at school? Am I going at school? Did I go at school? Was I going at school? Will I go at school?
I don't go at school, I am not going at school, I didn't go at school, I wasn't going at school, I won't go at school.
2. They go to London, they are going to London, they went to London, they were going to London, they will go to London.
Do they go to London? Are they going to London? Did they go to London? Were they going to London? Will they go to London?
They don't go to London, they aren't going to London, they didn't go to London, they weren't going to London, they won't go to London.
3. Mike phones you, Mike is phoning you, Mike phoned you, Mike was phoning you, Mike will phone you.
Does Mike phone you? Is Mike phoning you? Did Mike phone you? Was Mike phoning you? Will Mike phone you?
Mike doesn't phone you, Mike isn't phoning you, Mike didn't phone you, Mike wasn't phoning you, Mike won't phone you.
4. We fly to Paris, we are flying to Paris, we flew to Paris, we were flying to Paris, we will fly to Paris.
Do we fly to Paris? Are we flying to Paris? Did we fly to Paris? Were we flying to Paris? Will we fly to Paris?
We don't fly to Paris, we aren't flying to Paris, we didn't fly to Paris, we weren't flying to Paris, we won't fly to Paris.
5. My father drives a car, my father is driving a car, my father drove a car, my father was driving a car, my father will drive a car.
Does my father drive a car? Is my father driving a car? Did my father drive a car? Was my father driving a car? Will my father drive a car?
My father doesn't drive a car, my father isn't driving a car, my father didn't drive a car, my father wasn't driving a car, my father won't drive a car.