I need about twenty minutes to organize my morning.Мне нужно около двадцати минут, чтобы организовать своё утро.
The factory will begin to produce next year. Фабрика заработает в следующем году.
So we can deliver it this afternoon, or is Saturday better? Доставить сегодня во второй половине или лучше во вторник?
I don't believe many repairs will be necessary. Не думаю, что там необходим большой ремонт.
That is grammar and the Law. Вот основа и закон.
Tom told me why he wanted to study French. Том рассказал мне, почему он хочет изучать французский.
Machines as big as buildings. Машины, огромные как здания.
Maybe you could help me solve a little problem I have. Может ты мне с одним мелким дельцем?
1. Do not plug several electrical appliances into one outlet at the same time.
2. Do not use faulty electrical appliances.
3. Do not leave electric heaters on overnight. And also do not dry clothes on them, keep them away from curtains, beds, etc.!
4. Do not use homemade electrical appliances.
5. Do not leave electrical appliances (iron, curling iron, hairdryer, etc.) connected to the network unattended. Even if they are off!
6. Before turning on the heating devices, place them on supports made of non-combustible materials.
7. Do not cover light bulbs and lamps with paper, cloth or other flammable materials.