Прочитайте и устно переведите тексты « Innovation » и «What Is NOT Innovation?».
An innovation can be big or small. Brand-new or just a bit different, it doesn't matter. An innovation can be clearly complex or seemingly simple. Innovations are often thought of in terms of technical achievement, but can also be a design. The type, industry and style of innovation are irrelevant; an innovation's impact determines its qualification.
The future of many businesses depends upon their ability to innovate. Competition is fierce. Knowledge spreads quickly. The ability of a company to not only keep up with its current business practices, but to exceed its own – and its competition's – expectations are critical to survival.
What Is NOT Innovation?
It is important to be clear as to what innovation is not. Innovation is NOT invention, even if invention is the mother of necessity. These two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but although connected they are not the same. An innovation is the extension of an invention.If an inventor discovers the "next big thing," but is unable to find anyone to produce it, then the next big thing remains undiscovered to the world. For this invention to become an innovation, a public needs to be introduced to the invention and have said invention improve their lives in some way. This may happen behind the scenes (e.g., streamlined processes that lower costs to the customer) or be clearly visible (e.g., the flexibility of a laptop vs. a desktop).
Задание 3. ответьте на во к тексту письменно:
1. What are innovations are often thought of?
2. What does the future of many businesses depend upon?
3. Is the innovation is an invention?
4. What is Innovation?
1) What Is Innovation?2) What Is NOT Innovation?
I believe it is true that computers save us a lot of space and time. If you have a good modern computer with the Internet connection, it can replace a huge library with millions of books. This means that computers give us access to the wealth of information that is available on the Internet. They also allow us to analyze massive amounts of data very quickly, saving both our time and money.
Computers can be a great learning tool. For example, I regularly watch educational videos on the YouTube.
On the other hand, I understand those people who worry that we rely on computers too much and this habit can lead to problems with social interaction. That is why it is important to find middle ground between two extremes.