в нашей школе есть много разных видов спорта. ТАКИХ как волейбол , баскетбол и теннис. волейбол и баскетбол вам быть в форме быстро бегать и хорошо владеть мячом. теннис вам развить реакцию и внимание. Если ты занимаешься спортом то твой мозг отдыхает от умственной деятельности затем ты сможешь запомнить большую часть информации. много кто в кругу моих знакомых увлекаются спортом в том числе и с моего класса в основном это волейбол и баскетбол
there are many different sports in our school. Such as volleyball, basketball and tennis. volleyball and basketball help you to be in shape run fast and have good possession of the ball. tennis helps you develop reaction and attention. If you play sports then your brain is resting from mental activity then you can remember most of the information. a lot of people in the circle of my friends are fond of sports including my class mainly volleyball and basketball
(1). Earth is the name of the planet on which we (C) live.
(2). It is a huge ball of rock (B) spinning through space.
(3). No one is sure when earth (A) began, but some scientists think that, between 10 and 20 billion years ago,
(4) there (A) was a huge explosion,
(5) (D) has called the big bang.
(6). Gradually, over millions of years, stars and planets (A) have started to form.
One of these planets was Earth.
1 are living lived live have lived
2 spin spinning span is spinning
3 began begins begin begun
4 was were have been is
5 calling was called called has called
6 have started started was started starts
1)Whose information is this?
2)What kind of informationis needed?
3)what kind of information is needed and what is it about?
(но это не точно)