Past Simple и Present Perfect 1. I saw you yesterday. 2. I have read this book. 3. I understood the text. 4. I met him yesterday. 5. He has already found the book. 6-7. He said, he knew her adress. 8. I told her this story. 9. Our team didn`t win the championship last year. 10. I have already done the exercise. 11. He wrote a book last year. 12. He taught me a good lesson. 13. Sorry, I forgot your address. 14-15. I took my umbrella and went out. 15. I left my umbrella at home. 16. Made in China)) 17. I have cut my hair off. 18. I won the prize last time. 19. I lost my bag yesterday. 20. He has paid the price. 21. He came late last evening. 22. She gave me a good advice. 23. I`ve already heard the story. 24. You could learn it by heart, but you didn`t. Shame on you! 25. I thought he was my friend. 26-27. Everyone became quiet and sat down in their seats as the show started. 28. The lesson has already begun. 29. He drove his car too fast last time. 30. I spoke to me friend yesterday.
We left my brother's house - Мы оставили моего брата дома. Leave the book on the table! - Оставь эту книгу на столе!
Evening I ate fried chicken - Вечером я ел жареную курицу. I always eat heathy food - Я всегда ем здоровую пищу.
I listen to a very beautiful song - Я слушаю очень красивую песню. I listened the lesson and so did the homework - Я слушал урок и поэтому сделал домашнее задание.
I work in the office - Я работаю в офисе. I worked on this poject - Я работал над этим проектом.
I learned verse, and received a good evaluation - Я выучил стих и получил хорошую оценку. Learn never later! - Учиться никогда не поздно!
Wake up! - said my mother. - Вставай! - сказала мама. Today I woke up early - Сегодня я проснулся рано.
I know, that she is going - Я знаю, что она едет. I knew he was lying - Я знал что он врет.
His father drives a car. - Его папа водит машину. Yesterday she drove - Она вчера водила машину.
I played foodball at the stadium - Я играл в футбол на стадионе. My sister playing with a doll - Моя сестра играет с куклой.
The teacher explained to me my error - Учительница объяснила мне мою ошибку. I explain my friend the lesson - Я объясняю другу урок.
1. I saw you yesterday.
2. I have read this book.
3. I understood the text.
4. I met him yesterday.
5. He has already found the book.
6-7. He said, he knew her adress.
8. I told her this story.
9. Our team didn`t win the championship last year.
10. I have already done the exercise.
11. He wrote a book last year.
12. He taught me a good lesson.
13. Sorry, I forgot your address.
14-15. I took my umbrella and went out.
15. I left my umbrella at home.
16. Made in China))
17. I have cut my hair off.
18. I won the prize last time.
19. I lost my bag yesterday.
20. He has paid the price.
21. He came late last evening.
22. She gave me a good advice.
23. I`ve already heard the story.
24. You could learn it by heart, but you didn`t. Shame on you!
25. I thought he was my friend.
26-27. Everyone became quiet and sat down in their seats as the show started.
28. The lesson has already begun.
29. He drove his car too fast last time.
30. I spoke to me friend yesterday.