There are many differnt kinds of hobbies.As for me, My hobby is painting and drawing. I have finished art school and now I paint and draw in my free time.I work in oil and watercolour, pencil and pastel. For me painting is a means to understand the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, a way to express my own emotions, feelings and perception of life. It is important for me to study the artistic heritage of great painters.Painting is not the only hobby of mine. I read a lot of books. One of my favourite writers is A.S.Pushkin.In my free time I like to listen to music.
1) Constructing the Moscow underground the workers encountered many difficulties. 2) The locomotive hauling trains on mountainous railways usually operate on electric energy. 3) Having transmitters and receivers on the locomotives the driver is able to decrease and avoid the danger of train collisions. 4) Each railway station has at least two tracks, those for the incoming and outgoing trains. 5) Plastics being applied for the interior finishes of passenger cars greatly contribute to the reduction of maintenance costs. 1) Создавая московский метрополитен, рабочие столкнулись с многочисленными трудностями. 2) Локомотивы, тянущие поезда на горных железных дорогах, как правило, работают на электрической энергии. 3) Имея передатчики и приемники на локомотиве, машинист может снизить и избежать опасность столкновения поездов. 4) Каждая железнодорожная станция имеет не менее двух путей для прибывающих и убывающих поездов. 5) Пластмассы, применяемые для внутренней отделки легковых автомобилей, существенно снизить затраты на техническое обслуживание.
1) When heated by sun, the rails become longer. 2) The first steam locomotive built by G. Stephenson could draw a small train of loaded cars at a speed of 13 miles per hour. 3) When invented, the steam engine started the industrial revolution. 4) The wagons with insulated walls, roofs and floors are known as the refrigerator cars. 5) The increased comfort made it possible for passengers to travel longer. 1) Нагретые солнцем, рельсы становятся длиннее. 2) Первый паровоз, построенный Стивенсоном, мог тянуть небольшой поезд груженых вагонов со скоростью 13 миль в час. 3) Изобретённый паровой двигатель означал начало промышленной революции. 4) Вагоны с теплоизолированными стенками, крышами и полами известны как рефрижераторы. 5) Повышенный комфорт позволил пассажирам совершать более длительные путешествия.
There are many differnt kinds of hobbies.As for me, My hobby is painting and drawing. I have finished art school and now I paint and draw in my free time.I work in oil and watercolour, pencil and pastel. For me painting is a means to understand the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, a way to express my own emotions, feelings and perception of life. It is important for me to study the artistic heritage of great painters.Painting is not the only hobby of mine. I read a lot of books. One of my favourite writers is A.S.Pushkin.In my free time I like to listen to music.