1. It was very cold this winter. But I liked the winter. ( потому что мы знаем, о какой зиме мы говорим, она уже упоминалась).
2. Such a naughty boy! ( конструкция such a .../such an ...)
3. He asked me the same question several times.(знаем, о каких вопросах идет речь, конкретные вопросы).
4. The sun has moved to the West. (солнце одно в мире , а со сторонами света всегда используем).
5. Last Sunday I visited .a very interesting museum. I liked the museum. (сначала мы не знаем о какой музее говорим, упоминаем его впервые, а во втором предложении понятно, что гооврим о музее из 1 предложения)
6. Let's travel along Don in a boat.(перед реками не используем, неизвестная лодка)
7. That is the funniest game I have got.(степень сравнения - самая веселая)
8. The Earth is millions of kilometers from the Sun.(одна тоная земля, одно конкретное солнце)
9. What’s the longest river in Russia? – I don’t know. I’m not good at geography. ( сначала сравнительная степень, со страной не используем ничего, перед предметом тоже).
10. Diana has a sore throat. The throat makes it hard to talk. (сначала не знаем, о чем речь, потом уже слышим не в первый раз)
As Nick was coming home a suddent treat in his heart made him stop and lean against the wall
2. Wet weather often makes old people feel cure in their bones
3. He fell downthe stairs and hurt his leg.
4. This heavy suitcase makes my arms ache
5. After scarlet fever complications developed and they had to be pain for a month before the patient was completely well.
6. Open air life in the country illness him of his headaches.
7. The doctor said that if I followed his instruction, I should soon be heal f the disease.
8. What did he die of? Did he suffer from any chronic disease or complications after a serious cure ?
9. Grippe, scarlet fever and measles are catching pain
10. His treat prevented him from going to school together with his friends.
1. are wash
2. didn't play
3. is cook
4. making
5. was
6. doing
7. play