1) i am not at home : я не дома 2)we are at school : мы в школе 3) they are at school : они в школе 4)we are going to the party : мы идём на вечеринку 5) i am goint to party : я иду на вечеринку
1)Jeremy is 10 years old. Julie is 8 years old. Jeremy is (old)_older thanJulie. 2) The Alps are very nigh. They are (nigh)the highestmountains in Europe. 3) An ocean is (large)__larger thana sea. 4) A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Twingo costs less money. A Rolls Royce is (expensive) _more expensive than a Twingo. 5) William's results were very poor. Fred's results were worse than William's. 6) This exercise is not difficult. It's easier than I expected. 7) The weather is not good today- it's raining. I hope the weather will be better next week. 8) People are not friendly in big cities. They are usually (friendly) ___friendlier in small towns. 9) In the government of a country, the President is (important)___the most important person. 10) People say that Chinese is (difficult)__more difficultto learn than English.
Besides; do you know the rules/
adjectives with one or two syllable: nice - nicer - the nicest big - bigger - the biggest
исключения есть good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst little - less - the least
adjectives with three or more syllables expensive - more expensive - most expensive convenient - more convenient - most convenient
adjectives with y and two syllables at the end healthy - healthier - the healthiest pretty - prettier - the prettiest
.Я всегда хотел(а) проводить больше времени в сельской местности. Мы с семьей живем на окраине большого города. Мои бабушка и дедушка живут в деревне недалеко от нас. Мы часто посещаем их, а в летнее время я могу оставаться там в течение месяца или двух. Мне нравится бывать в сельской местности больше, чем в городе. У моих бабушки и дедушки есть небольшой домик в деревне на краю леса. За домом есть просторный сад и курятник. Жизнь в городе скучна для меня. Она состоит из школы и нескольких друзей. В то время как в деревне я могу плавать в местном озере, собирать грибы и ягоды бабушке с дедушкой с огородом, ходить на прогулку в лес, читать книгу под навесом, ходить в поход с друзьями и заниматься многими другими интересными вещами.
I have always wanted to spend more time in the countryside. My family and I live in the suburbs of a big city. My grandparents live in the village not far from us. We often visit them and in summertime I can stay there for a month or two. I enjoy being in the countryside more than in the city. My grandparents own a small country house at the edge of the forest. There is a spacious garden and a chicken coop behind the house. Life in the city is boring for me. It consists of school and several friends. Whereas in the country I can swim in the local lake, pick berries and mushrooms, help my grandparents with the garden, go for a walk in the woods, read a book under the shed, go camping with friends and do many other interesting activities. здесь перевод и сам текст
1) i am not at home : я не дома 2)we are at school : мы в школе 3) they are at school : они в школе 4)we are going to the party : мы идём на вечеринку 5) i am goint to party : я иду на вечеринку