Days. Use the expressi 1. I would rather (go) to the seaside than ... (stay) in the city in summer. 2. I prefer (collect) postcards rather than (collect) Teddy bears. 2 1 brofor lav) hackothall to Iswim)
My favorite heroine is called "Snow White." Snow White was very beautiful girl. She had a very angry stepmother. The stepmother saw, that Snow White was more beautiful than her, she decided to take to the forest a small girl. But Snow White ran away and found the house of the gnomes. When the gnomes saw Snow White, they were surprised by her beauty. And so she stayed with them to live. She helped them with the housework. But once the stepmother found Snow White. The stepmother turned into an old woman, poisoned an apple and went to the house of the gnomes. Snow White became sorry for the old woman, she opened door for old woman and her stepmother gave Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White took a bite and died. When the gnomes returned and saw that she was dead, they decided to bury her in a crystal coffin. One day a prince rode past the coffin, he saw Snow White and fell in love. The prince kissed her, and she miraculously woke up.
1. What is a computer? A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits thatoperate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. 2. What are the main functions of a computer? The machine is capable of storing andmanipulating numbers, letters, and characters (symbols). 3. What is the basic task of a computer? The basic job of computers is processing of information. For this reasoncomputers can be defined as devices which accept information in the form ofinstructions, called a program, and characters, called data, performmathematical and / or logical operations on the information, and then supplyresults of these operations. 4. What decisions can the computer make? Unfortunately, the computer can only decide three things, namely: Isone number less than another? Are two numbers equal? and, Is one numbergreater than another?
My favorite heroine is called "Snow White." Snow White was very beautiful girl. She had a very angry stepmother. The stepmother saw, that Snow White was more beautiful than her, she decided to take to the forest a small girl. But Snow White ran away and found the house of the gnomes. When the gnomes saw Snow White, they were surprised by her beauty. And so she stayed with them to live. She helped them with the housework. But once the stepmother found Snow White. The stepmother turned into an old woman, poisoned an apple and went to the house of the gnomes. Snow White became sorry for the old woman, she opened door for old woman and her stepmother gave Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White took a bite and died. When the gnomes returned and saw that she was dead, they decided to bury her in a crystal coffin. One day a prince rode past the coffin, he saw Snow White and fell in love. The prince kissed her, and she miraculously woke up.