My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and our cat. My Mummy is forty-one, she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a born teacher. She has teaching abilities. My Dad is forty-two, he is a professional painter, he works for a design company. My parents both like their work very much. Моя семья не очень большая, это типичная семья: папа, мама, я, мои брат, сестра и кот. Моей маме сорок один год, она — учительница испанского языка в университете. Она прирожденная учительница. У нее дар преподавать. Моему отцу — сорок два, он профессиональный художник и работает в оформительском комбинате. Обоим моим родителям очень нравится их работа. Вот
The first underground system was proposed by Charles Pearson in 1843. Twenty years later the first line of the London Underground was opened for traffic. In the early days, the trains were driven by steam locomotives, which burnt coal, filling the tunnels with smoke. It is said that the train staff and porters asked for a permission to grow beards and moustaches – as an early form of smog mask. The tunnels of the first underground were made as small as possible in order to reduce the construction costs. According to Pearson’s project, all lines were laid down close to the ground surface. The first escalator was also installed in theLondon Underground in 1911. The railways were prepared for any emergency that might occur. To minimize the danger of flooding the underground near the Thames, isolating doors were built in the tunnels. All the trains were equipped with special reduced lighting for using on open sections of track.
Як твої справи
Тобі вже виповнилось __ років моя подружка
Я так рада за тебе.
А що тобі подарували батьки
Тобі сподобався мій подарунок???
Я думаю що сподобався.
А коли ми зможемо зустрітися???
Ти уже відкрив(ла) мій подарунок???
Я дуже хочу щоб ти побачила що там.
Ну що будемо закінчуватися.
До нових зустрічей!!