Make comparisons with your partner, as in the example. london/sao paulo/tokyo (crowded) a: london is very crowded. yes, but sao paulo is much more crowded 3 than london. a: tokyo is the most crowded of all. 2 kazakhstan/greenland/antarctica (cold) 3 cars/trains/planes (fast) 4 the yangtze river/the river amazon/the river nile (long)
2. Choose ... book which you like. a) any
3. Do you have ... information about this man? d) any
4. ... people always tell the truth. It’s their principle. c) some
5. He is alone in a new city. ... of his friends can help him. d) no one
6. Please, don’t put ... pepper on the meat. b) much
7. I have ... time, so I can’t go with you. d) little
8. George and Ann haven’t got ... children. c) any
9. The students of our group ask ... questions. They want to know everything. a) many
10. There are very ... people who do not know that the Earth is round. b) few