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A. Why do the celebrations happen on different days?

B. What activity has become traditional?

C. What are traditional presents on this day?

D. How do people usually spend the day after Thanksgiving Day?

E. What new tradition have become popular on this day?

F. What was the Thanksgiving menu in old times?

1. The people who started to celebrate Thanksgiving Day were the Pilgrims, the English Protestant settlers, and the tribe of the Wampanoag. It was in 1621. Their meals differed greatly from the modern ones. They consisted of corn, shellfish and deer meat. At those times there were a lot of wild turkeys, but nobody cooked them on that day. Deer meat was the most popular food of the holiday.

2. Thanksgiving is the right time to decorate homes. You can add some autumn-colored pillows to the sofa, light a candle and arrange some yellow or orange flowers in a vase. Special message boards have become very popular recently. As guests arrive for Thanksgiving, let them write what they are thankful for on a paper leaf and pin it up at the board. Paper leaves can be cut from scrapbooks and painted in autumn colours.

3. Watching football is definitely the most popular activity among Americans on Thanksgiving. The history of this tradition began in 1934. The reason was a great match between two football teams – the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears. That game turned out to be really successful. Since that time matches have been held every year (except the years of World War II) on Thanksgiving Day and have become very popular.

4. People of Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October every year. It is celebrated to thank God for the past harvest and pray for the coming year. The United States, however, celebrates Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November every year. The reason behind the difference is geographical: autumn starts earlier in Canada than in America.

5. Some people use the day after Thanksgiving Day to make trips to see family members or friends. Others use the day to go shopping. The Americans call the day after Thanksgiving 'Black Friday'. It first got its name in 1960 in Philadelphia. At that time there were a lot of stores in the city. Many people visited the city for shopping, it was overcrowded and the local people considered it a bad black day. Nowadays 'Black Friday' means the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

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When my brother and I were small, our parents spent a lot of time with us. They believed that _1

should learn something new every day and every hour. CHILD

A weekend in our family meant that our parents woke us up even __2

than on weekdays. We had breakfast and set off to see some place of interest, or museum, or exhibition. EARLY

Usually they didn't ask us where we wanted to go. It was _3

decision. THEY

One day they told us that we 4

to visit a historical museum which was a good distance away from the city. The day was cold and gloomy. GO

The sky 5

with heavy dark clouds. But the weather didn't make our parents change their plan. COVER

"Are you ready to go?" Dad asked. "Mum ___6

the sandwiches for us already. In case we get hungry and there's no cafe nearby." PACK

"And what will we do if it ___7

?" my brother asked quietly. "Getting wet is not a problem," Dad replied. RAIN

"I'm sure you understand that visiting a museum is much __8

for you than watching TV at home." My brother and I sighed. The film we wanted to

see so much was on TV on that very day. We looked at each other and decided that we needed a plan ... GOOD

Use of English

Missed, lost, however, to, although, for, since

According __1 ancient history, Yalta was founded by the Greeks in the 1st century. The legend says that Greek sailors__2

their way because of a storm. They were looking _3

the shore for a long time. When finally they saw the shore, they decided to call it yalos, which meant shore in their language. The word Yalta as the name of the settlement has been in use _4

the 15th century. Yalta is a famous resort in southern Crimea. The city lies between the Black Sea and the main range of the Crimean Mountains. As Yalta is surrounded by hills, the city has a very mild climate with warm autumns, rainy winters, cool springs and hot summers. _5

, since the city is on the sea shore, the summer weather rarely becomes extremely hot, due to the cool sea breezes.


1 задание

A. People of Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October every year, but The United States celebrates Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November because autumn here starts earlier than in Canada

B. Watching football is definitely the most popular activity among Americans on Thanksgiving.

C. Doesn't say

D. Some people use the day after Thanksgiving Day to make trips to see family members or friends. Others use the day to go shopping. The Americans call the day after Thanksgiving 'Black Friday'.

E. не нашла ответа

2 задание

childrenearliertheirare goinggot coveredhas packedrainsbetter

Use of English

4,6(65 оценок)
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Очевидно. список бесконечен! Драматические изменения за последние годы довольно велики, что Россия произвела большое количество очень творческих и талантливых людей. Театральные представления, музеи и картинные галереи... Фактически, все аспекты российской жизни доказывают это. Москва - один из городов мира, который, я думаю, нужно увидеть, и это то, что я скажу своим друзьям, когда вернусь домой. 11. Объясните, почему: 1) впечатление Елизаветы о Москве сначала было «довольно серым и темным»; 2) ее представление о Москве изменилось, когда она увидела центр города; 3) у Елизаветы сложилось впечатление, что религия все еще лежит в основе русской культуры; 4) Елизавета думала, что находится во дворце, когда у нее была первая проезжая на метро; 5) 12. Скажите, согласны ли вы с Элизабет в этих заявлениях, и объясните, почему 1. Москва определенно город контрастов. 2. Религия все еще находится в русской культуре. 3. В Моско много фантастических зданий. Большое количество церквей, не используемых для богослужений, красиво. Московский метрополитен выглядит как дворец. 6. Люди много читают во мне. Драматические изменения за последние годы легко заметить. 8. В России появилось много очень креативных и талантливых людей. 9. Москва - это то, что нужно увидеть.
4,8(82 оценок)

Звичаї давати ім'я в Узбекистані - ні, щоб відбивати минуле. В Узбекистані є переважно арабські (Алі, Асад, Фаріда, Лайло перська (Betruz. Runtam. Gulbahor, Yasmina)) та деякі сучасні нармеси, в регіоні Diferont є популярні місцеві назви. У 201 г хлопчиків часто називали Мустато (7 785 дітей Серед дівчат, Соліха Ван Чівері до 7030 новачків з квітами. Узбецькі чоловічі імена завжди щось означають. Іноді назви відповідають природі немовляти або його індивідуальним особливостям. Наприклад, в узбецьких родинах рідко народжується хлопчик зі світлим волоссям. Тоді його називають Сарібек або Окбой, що означає "жовтий" і "білий". Батьки часто хочуть, щоб хлопчики мали мужність і силу, які вони отримують від своїх імен. Пулат і Темір означають "сталь" та "залізо". Також традиція називати дитину на честь героїв великих популярні легенди чи історія. Ulugbek o r Farhod є прикладами цього звичаю. В даний час з'явилося багато нових і незвичайних імен.

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