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29.04.2022 21:39 •  Английский язык

Написать несколько предложений, которые доказывают что мать любила своего сына, основываясь на этот текст!!
Long, long ago there was a lake of cold water in Kenya. Many animals came at night to the lake to drink some water. But people never came to the lake at night: the animals could kill and eat them.
Now, a rich man who had a beautiful daughter once said: „The young man, who will go to the lake in the evening and stay in the cold water till morning, will have my daughter for his wife.”There lived a poor young man who loved the rich man’s daughter very much. He said to his mother, „I shall try to stay all night in the lake and then marry my dear girl”.„No, no”, the mother said, „you are my only son!”. The water in the lake is very cold, and the animals will eat you up. Don’t go there!” She cried and cried, but her son said: „Mother, don’t cry, I must try. I love her so much!”So the young man went to the girl’s father. He told him that he wanted to go to the lake and stay in the cold water all night. The rich man sent his servants to the place where they could watch the young man.When night carne, the young man went to the lake and his mother followed him, but he didn’t see her. There was a hill forty paces away from the place where the young man went into the water. The woman climbed up the hill and made up a fire there. The wild animals saw the fire and were afraid to go near that place.The young man saw the fire too. He understood that his mother was there. He thought of his mother’s love, and it was easier for him to stay all night in the very cold water.
Morning came. The young man went to the rich man’s house. The rich man saw him and said, „My servants say that there was a fire on the hill forty paces from the lake. It warmed you and that is why you could stay all night in the water. So you can’t marry my daughter. Good-bye”.The young man was very angry. He went to the judge. “Well”,
the judge said, „this is a very simple case”.
The next morning the young man with his mother and the rich man with his servants came before the judge. There were many people there who wanted to hear the case.
The judge asked for a pot of cold water. Then he walked forty paces from the pot and made a fire. „Now”, he said, „we shall wait a little until the water is warm”. The people cried: „But the fire is so far away, it can’t warm the water in the pot”. Then the judge said: „How could that young man warm himself at a fire forty paces away?”
So the case was over, and the young man married the rich man’s daughter. They lived happily for many years.



Mother loved her son because she gave him free choise - she was ready to help him anyway.And the way she helped is the answer to this question.If mother hate her son she would stay at home and do nothing useful for son.But she didn`t.


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Привет! я люблю заниматься многим в жизни, например : играть в футбол,волейбол,баскетбол. Спортивные игры придают мне уверенность и адреналин, невероятное чувство! Так-же я очень люблю готовить различные блюда , например : пицца,пирог . Люблю шить и вязать, это расслабляет . Люблю петь, это безумно весело , чувству себя настоящим певцом!)


Hello! I like to do many things in life, such as playing soccer, volleyball, basketball. Sports games give me confidence and adrenaline, an incredible feeling! So as I love to cook different dishes, such as pizza pie. I love to sew and knit, it relaxes. I like to sing, it's insanely fun, feeling like a real singer!
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My Favourite Animal Мое любимое животное
Most animals are man’s best friends. It is especially true about domestic animals, because there is also a great number of dangerous and poisonous species, which bring people nothing but inconvenience. In my opinion, people should live in harmony with nature and other living creatures. Most of all I admire horses. These four-legged animals are very kind, graceful and noble. They have always been of great service to men. Having strong body and legs they could carry heavy carts and coaches, they could accompany a man in the war. There were even specially trained war horses. In hilly countries of Asia and Arabia they were valued for their intelligence and swiftness. They say that in Ancient China the horse was considered to be the best property of the Emperor. Horses have often saved their masters from the enemies at the cost of their own life, such devoted animals they are. In my opinion, they are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Their coat can be of white, black, chestnut, silver and mixed markings. Its long hair on a beautiful neck is known as mane. They have large eyes with a deep, smart look in them. Its skin is usually smooth and glossy, which makes them look graceful. If I had enough money, I would definitely buy several horses and a stable. I would take good care of them: feed them everyday, let them walk around and play. I would also ride a horse once in a while and we would participate together in races. All in all, I think horse is a faithful animal. Unfortunately, people can be sometimes cruel to these poor creatures, which I don’t support. Большинство животных являются лучшими друзьями человека. Это в особенности относится к домашним животным, потому что существует также большое количество опасных и ядовитых представителей, которые не приносят людям ничего, кроме неудобств. На мой взгляд, люди должны жить в гармонии с природой и другими живыми существами. Больше всего меня восхищают лошади. Эти четвероногие создания очень добры, изящны и благородны. Они всегда были в услужении у человека. Обладая сильным телом и ногами, они могли везти тяжелые тележки и кареты, они могли сопровождать мужчин на войну. Были даже специально обученные военные лошади. В горных странах Азии и Аравии их ценили за интеллект и быстроту. Говорят, что в Древнем Китае лошадь считалась самой ценной собственностью императора. Лошади часто своих хозяев от врагов ценой собственной жизни, такие уж они преданные животные. На мой взгляд, это одни из самых красивых существ в мире. Их шерсть может быть белого, черного, каштанового, серебристого и смешанного окраса. Длинные волосы на красивой шее называются гривой. У них большие глаза, в которых читается глубокий и умный взгляд. Их кожа, как правило, гладкая и глянцевая, что придает им грациозный вид. Если бы у меня было достаточно денег, я бы определенно купил несколько лошадей и стойло. Я бы хорошо заботился о них: кормил бы их каждый день, отпускал гулять и играть. Я хотел бы также время от времени ездить верхом и вместе с ними участвовать в скачках. В целом, я думаю, что лошадь – очень верное животное. К сожалению, люди могут быть иногда жестоки к этим бедным существам, что я порицаю.
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