1. When I came to Pete's house last Sunday, he was reading a new book. He sais he will give it to me soon. Today I have taken it from him. Now I am reading it. I am going to finish it by Friday. If you like, I will give it to you on Saturday when you will come to see me. 2. When will he come? We are waiting for him for already half an hour. 3. On leaving the hall the students were thanked the professor who was delivering the lecture. 4. We already have covered about ten miles when Peter, who is looking out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, suddenly exclaimed: "Here is the station!" 5. When morning came, the storm already has stopped, but the snow still was falling. 6. Yesterday by eight o'clock he has finished all his homework, and when I came to his place at nine, he was reading. 7. I have waited for permission to go abroad for already three weeks, but I haven't receive the visa yet. 8. Everybody was at the door of the museum, but my friend hasn't came yet. 9. We were drinking tea when the telephone rung.
с английским !!6 клас,сложное дополнение,все на фото. Наmа мікрохвильова піч поламалася. Мені доведеться поремонтувати ї. 2. Дощ змусив нас довернути назад. 3. Вона відчула, як хтось торк- цувся п руки. 4. Ми почули, як задзвонив даві- Rу5. Хвороба брата змусила її їхати до Кисва. Ми бачили, як ця людина зайшла в офіс. 7. MiЙ друг хоче, щоб я до нього прийшов. 8. Я знаю, о ваш друг дуже вправний фотограф. 9. Ми роз- паховуємо, що ви візьмете участь у концерті. 10. Я знаю, шо ти мій друг. 11. Мама хотіла, шоб картоплю купили на ринку. 12. Я хочу, щоб ці книжки було повернуто. 13. Вона розраховуе, що Вчитель 1ї запитає. 14. Я хочу, щоб ви з'іздили у Францію. 15. Ми примусили його вивчати англій- СБКУ мову. 16. Ми бачили, що він заходив у офіс. 17. Якщо ми самі запізнюємося, ми не можемо розраховувати на те, що люди не будуть запізнюватися. 18. Bін знав, що музика найбільших задоволень у житті. одне з
I often ... sandwiches for breakfast. eat
We ... to the swimming pool yesterday. went
Linda ... her mother in the kitchen now. is helping
You would better put your ... on and take the ... raincoat, umbrella
You would better put your ... and ... on. hat, scarf
My friend ... twelve years old. is
Did you do your homework yesterday? Yes, I did.
Mike and Tony ... football yesterday. played