Підсумкова контрольна робота( письмо) 2 семестр 11 клас
І Match
A)1 to prevent A) the food is eaten on such an occasion
2 meal B) to stop smth from happening
3 shortage C) a lack of smth
B)Combine word-combinations using these words:
problems, balance, to earn, ecological, to solve, money.
II CHANGE the sentences using a participle form
A)1Jane read a book after she had done her home exercises.
2Dan couldn’t enter the University as he had failed the entrance exams.
3After Nick had moved to Italy , he spoke Italian well.
B)Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past, Perfect Participle.
1 The book(to buy) in the shop was very expensive.
2 ( To arrive) to the place of destination, they were rather satisfied.
3(To create) new ideas he wrote them .
III Ask for information. Write 5 types of questions
I finished reading an article about climate change.
IV Write a letter to your pen-friend about the country you live in (people and society) and ecological situation in it.