[i:] - she, we, he.
[e] - dress, teddy, pen, hen.
[ai] - sky, fly, bye.
[ i ] - pretty, teddy, baby.
Eсли ты хочешь понять суть этого задания — возьми англо-русский словарь и найди все эти слова. Рядом с каждым словом в словаре будет это же слово в квадратных скобках [...] - это называется транскрипция слова. Правила чтения звуков в транскрипции, т.е. в квадратных скобках в словаре, ты найдешь в начале словарика. После того, как ты найдешь каждое слово в словаре, в квадратных скобках возле каждого слова будут те или иные звуки, которые указаны у тебя в задании. Берешь и сравниваешь какие звуки есть, а каких нет и распределяешь по группам свои слова.
I`d like to tell you about my trip on foot to the lake. Last weekend my friends and I went to the forest. It is not a large forest with a lake Kruzhok. This lake is very small and almost round shape, that’s why it is called so. We had been going through the forest for two hours, but we were not tired very much. So, when we’d just arrive, we immediately began to set up our tents. Then we ate a snack and rested a bit. Soon it was getting dark, so we made a fire. We were sitting around the fire and talking to each other. It was fun, cool and a little scary.
The next day I got up early, because I wanted to go fishing. I am very fond of fishing and never miss an opportunity to sit with a fishing rod on the coast. It was a lucky day for me: I caught two big fish and one small. But I let all of them return to the water, because I don’t like to eat fish.
When I returned to our camp my friends were still sleeping. I woke them up and we had breakfast. Then we were swimming in the lake, playing with the ball, joking and laughing all the time. But by Sunday evening we should to be home, so soon we packed our bags and went home. It was a fantastic weekend. I hope that next summer we will repeat this trip.