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Tarquin is Suze’s cousin and is one of the richest people in Britain. (He is also one of the worst-dressed.) he’s very sweet, but I never used to pay much attention to him.

I open the front door and say brightly, “Tarquin!”

“Becky,” he says, staring at me as though I’m the lost treasure of Tutankhamen.

And he’s looking as thin and strange as ever, with a strange green hand-knitted jumper stuffed under a tweed waistcoat and a huge old fob watch dangling from his pocket. I’m sorry, but surely the fifteenth-richest man in England, or whatever he is, should be able to buy a nice new Timex?

“Well- come on in,” I say.

“Great,” says Tarquin, and follows me into the sitting room. “I heard you were moving to New York,” Tarquin says suddenly, staring at the floor. “Is that true?”

“Yes,” I say, unable stop smiling. “That’s the plan.”

“I went to New York once myself,” Tarquin says. “I don’t really get on with it.”

“I can believe that. It’s a bit different from Scotland, isn’t it? Much more … frantic.”

“Absolutely!” he says. “That was just it. Too frantic. And the people are absolutely extraordinary. Quite mad, in my opinion.”

“Tarquin,” I say. “There is something I … I really want to say to you. I’ve wanted to say it for a while, actually.”

“Yes?” he says. “What .. What is it?” he meets my eyes with worry, and I feel a bit nervous. But now I’ve started; I’ve got to go on. I’ve got to tell him the truth. I push my hair back and take a deep breath.

“That jumper,” I say. “It really doesn’t go with that waistcoat.”

“Oh,” says Tarquin, looking surprised. “Really?”

“Yes!” I say. “In fact .. it’s Horrible.”

“Should I take it off?”

“Yes, in fact, take the waistcoat off, too.”

Obediently he takes off the jumper and the waistcoat – and it’s amazing how much better he looks when he’s just in a blue shirt. Almost … normal! The I had a sudden inspiration.

“Wait here!”

I hurry to my room and get one of the bags sitting on my chair. There’s a jumper inside which I bought a few days ago for Luke’s birthday, but I’ve discovered he’s already got exactly the same one, so I was planning to take it back.

“Here!” I say, arriving back in the sitting room. “Put this on.”

Tarquin puts the back jumper on – and what a difference! He’s actually starting to look quite good.

“Your hair,” I say, staring critically at him. “We need to do something with that.”

Ten minutes later I’ve wetted it, blow-dried it, and smoothed it back with a bit of mousse. And I can’t tell you. It’s a transformation.

“Tarquin, you look wonderful!” I say – and I really mean it. He’s still got that thin, bony look, but suddenly he doesn’t look geeky anymore, he looks kind of … interesting.

“Really?” says Tarquin, staring down at himself. He looks a little shocked, but the point is, he’ll thank me later.

A car horn sounds from outside, and we both jump.

“Well – have a good time,” I say, suddenly feeling like his mother. “Tomorrow morning, just wet your hair again and push your fingers through it, and it should look OK.”

“Right,” says Tarquin as if I’ve given him a long mathematical formula to memorise. ”I’ll try to remember. And the jumper? Shall I return it by post”

“Don’t return it!” I say in horror. “It’s yours to keep and wear. A gift.”

“Thank you very much, Becky ,” says Tarquin.

2 Becky thinks that rich people should dress accordingly

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3 Tarquin didn’t like his stay in New York.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4 Becky and Tarquin live in Scotland.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5 Becky doesn’t think much before talking to Tarquin about how he looks.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6 Tarquin doesn’t care much about what he wears.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7 The black jumper, which Becky offers Tarquin to put on, is from a famous designer.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Сори но балы нужны не удаляй
4,5(52 оценок)
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 Beautiful -Ugly
Weak -Strong
 Easy -Difficult
 Happy -Sad
 Long -Short
Behind-In front of
1. Get up at 7 o’clock in the morning
2. Then she b)…
3. Do You watch TV everyday?
4. Is He watching TV now ?
Вставьте верное слово в каждый пропуск
What, when, where
a) When do you get up ?
b) What does she do then?
c) Where does she go after breakfast?
d) When do they come home from school?
e) What does she do at three o’clock?
f) When does he go swimming?
Вставьте вместо точек пропущенные слова.
1. Sam lives in London. 
2. He has two small children.
3. Jane does not live in Britain.
4. She does not get up early.
5. Henry has his breakfast at half past seven.
Найдите и исправьте ошибки.
1. He liveS in Oxford
2. She sometimes eats in a restaurant.(нет ошибки)
3. On Fridays I GO to the cinema.
4. What DO you have for breakfast
5. Why IS the baby crying
Поставьте вопросы к предложениям
1. Michael works on a farm. Where does M. work?
2. Brenda lives in Leeds. Does B. live in Leeds?
3. Luke likes tea with lemon. What tea does L. like ?
4. Mary works at a bookshop. Where does M. work?
5. We have six lessons on Monday. When do we have six lessons?
1. A greengrocer sells fruit, vegetables.
2. A grocer sells sugar, salf.
3. I have just passed passport control
4. You can book the tickets in the booking-office
5. You turn off the light when you leave the room.
6. Gagarin was the first man in space.
7.The traditional Russian food is pancake.
8. Eggs of large fishes are caviar.
9. A person who knows much about a science is scientist.
10. The river separates the city into 2 parts.
11. Nick has got many cars. He likes to be among them.
12. That building is high .
13. There are 2 boys in the class. There is a girl among them.
14. This lake is very deep .
15. He never goes deep in the forest.
16. There is always fresh air in the forest.
4,6(57 оценок)
My favourite season is spring. There are three months in it: March, April and May.  It is a wonderful season. Spring comes and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. How lovely the white snowdrops are! There are new leaves and blossoms on the trees. The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. Everybody feels younger and stronger.Many people like spring more than other seasons. It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from the winter sleep.In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river, play ball-games, lie in the sun and even have a swim if the water is warm enough.That is why I like spring more than any other season of the year.
4,8(34 оценок)
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