США- Соединённые Штаты Америки. В США ровно 50 штатов. Иногда в них входит ещё и Колумбия, ( то есть 51 штат) но все же она является отдельным государством.
Rugby is another popular British sport which is played in other countries. It is also called rugby football. The story is told that in 1823 boys at Rugby school in England were playing football in the normal way, when suddenly one boy picked the ball up and ran with it. That was how a new game was born. There are two forms of rugby football: the amateur game and the professional game. Two kinds of rugby are played in Britain. Rugby Union is played by amateurs in teams of 15 in the south of England and in Wales (where it is the national sport). Rugby League is played by professionals in teams of 13 in the north of England. Rugby is a team sport, played outdoors, on a rugby pitch, with an oval rugby ball, and two teams of 15 players. You play a game of rugby or a rugby match.
Sport is very important in our life. The generalbelief is that a person who goes in for sportscan’t be weak and ill. Physically inactive people get old earlier that those, who find time for sportactivity. And of course good health is better than good medicine.People all over the world are fond of sports and games. In our country sport is being widely popularized as well. The most popular kinds of sport are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, figure-skating, aerobics, ping-pong and swimming. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to become professional sportsmen.As for me, I can’t imagine my life without sport. In summer I go jogging every morning and when I have free time I attend swimming pool. In winter I like to skate with my friends. It’s fun. Also I’m fond of aerobics. First of all aerobics helps to keep myself fit. It also attracts me because it resemblesdancing.In conclusion I’d like to say that I’m absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. Sport makes our bodies strong, it prevents us from getting too fat, and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.
США- Соединённые Штаты Америки. В США ровно 50 штатов. Иногда в них входит ещё и Колумбия, ( то есть 51 штат) но все же она является отдельным государством.
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