1. 1) I go to sckool 5 days a week 2) On Sundays I stay at home 3) English and World History are my favourite subjects 4) I like English because I love to learn differend foreign languages .English is very important language because many jobs require the knowledge of English nowadays. I like World History because I adore to learn the geographical locations of the world map I think it is very interesting . 5) At English lessons we always speak English ,make up dialogues ,watch films and cartoons in English ,learn new phrases and grammar material . 6)Yes, it is 7)Yes, we try to speak English every day 8) Usually after school I go shopping or for a walk with my friends 9) I'm more tired on Fridays . Because usually on Fridays we have tests
2. 1) At what age did you go to school ? 2) How do you get to school? 3) What is the most difficult subject for you? 4) How many foreign languages would you like to learn ? 5) What foreign languages would you like to learn ? 6) Why do you like to learn these languages? (или What countries would you like to visit? но если сохранять связь между предложениями 4 5 и 6 ,то лучше первый вариант) 7) Good luck.Try hard to make your dream come true . Will you bring me a souvenir ,if you visit Germany or Russia ?
1. This is the dress which Nora bought in Italy. - Это платье, которое Нора купила в Италии. 2. This is the man whom Nora met in Rome. - Это мужчина, которого Нора встретила в Риме 3. This is the picture which Nora took in France. - Это фотография, которую Нора сделала во Франции. 4. These are Nora's friends who travelles with her. - Это друзья Норы, которые путешествовали с ней. 5. These are the books which Nora read. - Это книги, которые Нора читала. 6. This is the driver who took Nora to the airport. - Это водитель, который отвозил Нору в аэропорт.
1) I go to sckool 5 days a week
2) On Sundays I stay at home
3) English and World History are my favourite subjects
4) I like English because I love to learn differend foreign languages .English is very important language because many jobs require the knowledge of English nowadays. I like World History because I adore to learn the geographical locations of the world map I think it is very interesting .
5) At English lessons we always speak English ,make up dialogues ,watch films and cartoons in English ,learn new phrases and grammar material .
6)Yes, it is
7)Yes, we try to speak English every day
8) Usually after school I go shopping or for a walk with my friends
9) I'm more tired on Fridays . Because usually on Fridays we have tests
1) At what age did you go to school ?
2) How do you get to school?
3) What is the most difficult subject for you?
4) How many foreign languages would you like to learn ?
5) What foreign languages would you like to learn ?
6) Why do you like to learn these languages? (или What countries would you like to visit? но если сохранять связь между предложениями 4 5 и 6 ,то лучше первый вариант)
7) Good luck.Try hard to make your dream come true . Will you bring me a souvenir ,if you visit Germany or Russia ?