Письменно ответить на 15 во давая развернутые предложения.
1. How many lessons of PE do you have a week?
2. What sports facilities do you have at your school?
3. What sport do you do regularly?
4. What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?
5. Would you like to do any extreme sports? Why or why not?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy and fit?
7.How many times a week do you do sports?
8. What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?
9.What sport facilities are available in the place where you live?
10.What do you do in your PE lessons?
11.What do you do in your PE lessons at school?
12.Do you do your morning exercises or not? Why?
13.What sports do you like playing?
14.What sports competitions do you enjoy watching?
15.Is there any sport you would like professionally? Why?
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